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Steve returned back to his base with Skye to see more civilians had been rescued. More of earths mightiest had come forward. He couldn't believe all these people want to help. None of them wanted to repeat Ultron and after returning Natasha had explained a few wanted to get back at Dr. Pym for building the machine.

--- Hank Pyms lab ---
Steve walked into hanks lab and was greeted by Janet Van Dyne, his wife.

"Hi Jan," Steve smiled.

Jan, the wasp, grew to normal size then hugged Steve, "how can I help you?" steve said, "I heard more people came after him. How is he?"

"You should talk to him. He's kept himself locked away since he found out about Chloe. Steve, he won't even let me in."

Steve nodded his head, "I'll go talk to him. You stay here, keep our new friend company." Jan nodded her head then walked over to Skye as Steve walked into Hanks office.

Hank looked up from his paper work, "Steve?"

Steve went and sat down in one of the chairs, "i u set stand hiding from the others, but why your wife. Janet's worried about you."

"Steve, I'm so sorry."

"Look, if you think I'm mad... I'm not. she made her choice and I have to respect her for that. We all make needed sacrifices. It's just how things work. Don't let your pity party over my daughter be the reason your life gets ruined to.

Hank nodded his head then steve left to get skye.


Steve showed skye to her room, saying d good night then left.

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