Days later

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Steve was released from the infirmary. He had to explain several things to the doctors before they'd finally accept him, and allow him to take command again. When they finally did Steve's first order was to keep his discharge from the infirmary a secret.
steve entered the room and saw tony then said, "Tony?" Steve walked into the room after being released from the infirmary a couple days later, "Tony I came here to talk to you." tony didnt answer. instead he continued to look out the window. steve walked up to tony and kissed the nape of his neck. He wrapped his arms around Tony, "please talk to me." Tony didn't move from that spot, "what are you doing Steve? You don't even know me?" Steve let go of Tony then said, "Coulson, I think that's his name, he brought me a tablet with all of our videos. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It made me cry, and all I could think about, the only person that mattered was you. I needed to see if you were ok. That thing. It threatened you."

Tony turned to look at Steve, "it didn't come after me. Oh god Steve. I thought I was going to be alone again. I thought you were going to leave." Steve got up to wrap his arms around a now crying tony. "Im never going to leave. I love you tony. I'd do anything for you. We may not see eye to eye, but that's not going to start some civil war. Tony. You and I grew up in different times. I'm a good 6 years older than you. Tony," Steve lifted Tonys chin so the two were looking at each other, "in not going anywhere. I'll be right here with you," he then leaned in and kissed tony. When the two pulled apart tony smiled, "he'd felt so alone these past few weeks and that feeling grew after Steve woke up. The two were headed down different roads and some where deep down tony knew it would be the death of one of them.

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