Asgard Infirmary

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Steve wakes up to see the Midgard Guardian waiting.
Steve said, "I have to go back!" The Midgard Guardian spoke, "he shot and killed you. That man is the reason you and I are having this conversation right now. Why would you want to go back!?" Steve looked at the Midgard Guardian dead in the eyes and said, "he is my family and I love him. Tell me, would you not do anything for your family?" The Midgard Guardian turned away, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what it's like to have a family like yours. I am a soldier, and I don't know what it's like to experience what you're going through. Patriot, if you really want to go back then I will arrange a meeting With your mother and her counsel." Steve sat up, "M-my m-mother? My mothers dead." The Midgard Guardian shook her head no, "she was your Midgardian mother. You're real mother, she lives here on Asgard. I can take you to her if you like. I'm sure you'd like to see where you come from." Steve nodded his head, "what now?" The Midgard Guardian motioned for Steve to follow him.
Bi frost
"Hello heimdal."

Heimdal turned to the Midgard Guardian and said, "guardian, how can I help you?"

The guardian continued, "I must go retrieve his mother and her council. I was wondering if you could watch him." Heimdal nodded his head then the guardian left.

After a few minutes of silence Steve walked up to the edge of the bifrost and said, "heimdal, we have met before, have we not?" Steve turned to heimdal and saw him nod, "yes, it has been many years since then. Old friend, on your 18 year travel I watched you grow, I watched you look over the Midgardian they call tony stark, and now you do the same." Steve looked back out to the stars, "when I died the first time... my daughter was born shortly after I started my travels. My daughter, she grew up without me. tony. Heimdal I have to go back there. I have to go home and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. Make sure my entire family is alright. I did it once, I'm sure I could do it again. Can you send me back to Midgard?"

"What of your mother?"

Steve looked back at heimdal, "she's done enough damage in my life. I don't need her to apologize anymore. I want to go home, I NEED TO GO home." heimdal nodded his head then set his sword into the key of the bifrost. He was about to say something when Steve spoke up, "my mother and the guardian will be mad. Heimdal, are you sure?" He nodded his head then activated the bifrost and sent me to Midgard.
Steve stood across the street from the tower and was about to head in when Ora appeared, "I will never understand the midgardian culture, or you my son. You always find a new ways to amaze me. Even now, the man you want to go and see, he tried to kill you, and yet you still want to go in there. You want to tell him you're ok. My son, why?" Steve turned to Ora, "for the same reason you sent me here, the same reason you had Margret carter give birth to me. You wanted to keep me safe, and make sure I would be alright. Mother, I need to find away to make sure he's alright. I love him and my daughters, our daughters. I need to know they'll be fine. They're going to have to grow up quickly."

"Then I suggest we change. I don't agree with this, but I will stand by you." Steve closed his eyes then changed his appearance. Ora did the same then the two flew up to the top of the tower where they found Natasha talking with Chloe and Raleigh. Once Steve and Ora landed chloe and Raleigh took the defensive.

Steve said, "Listen, daughters of Patriot. Listen." Natasha placed her hand on Chloe then motioned for the two to stand down before looking to Steve and saying, "you've got two minutes. Talk." Steve nodded his head, "my name is nomad, and this is my mother. We are what your people call heroes. We come from Asgard. King Odin sent us hear to pay respects on his behalf when word spread about patriots death. I have also come to ask if there is anything I can do to assist you, daughters of patriot, with anything. Your father was like a brother to me. I owed him a great deal. I, I will be forever in his debt." Raleigh walked up to Steve and gave him the once over then smiled, "thank you nomad, but you see, this isn't up to me. You have to ask her." Chloe took a step forward, "you could start by getting our father out of his lab. He's locked the doors and won't let us in. Raleigh, take him and show him. You," Chloe looked at Ora, "tell king Odin thank you. Tell him that we hope to meet him again, and thank him for all his help." Ora nodded her head then disappeared.


Raleigh looked at me as we walked up to the lab door and said, "why not come home?" I looked at her confused, "I. I don't understand." she smiled, "dad, you trained me. Taught me how to see past a disguise. I know you. So, why don't you come home?" I said, "I can't. This time there is no coming home for me. Raleigh, you're more than welcome to return to Asgard with me..." she shook her head, "you gave me a family. I can't run away from that. Someone's going to need to stay here and look after Tony and Chloe. If it can't be you, then I'll do it." I kissed the top of her head as tony walked out, "who the hell are," he stopped in his tracks. "Steve?" I looked at him, "you know I'm just a figment of your imagination, right?" A tear fell from his eye as Raleigh disappeared,"tony, you need to be strong for our daughters. You need to be a hero and raise Chloe and Raleigh without me. You've done it before."

"I cant, not without you."

We walked back into the lab then walked back to where his work bench was. I made him sit down then I placed my hand on his cheek, "I have to go now tony." Tony placed his hand over mine, "no, don't leave me. I'm so sorry. Don't leave." I shook my head, "you'll be alright," I kissed him, "good bye tony." I placed two fingers on the side of his head then made him go back to sleep before running off back outside the lab. That is when I turned back to nomad and met my daughter on the stairs. Raleigh said, "does this mean you're going back to Asgard?" I nodded my head, "even though I'd like to, I can't stay. I can't risk another war like that again."

"But you're immortal."

I looked at tony in the lab, "that may be true, but we don't know what happens next time. It could be him gone and I won't let that happen. You know how to get ahold of me if he steps out of hand. Just..." I was about to walk up the stairs when tony ran out, "did you see Steve." I looked at him, "sorry Mr. Stark, but we haven't seen anyone run by here in the past 10 minutes." Raleigh nodded her head, "he's right dad." We walked up to tony then I said, "I came to give my condolences to you Mr. Stark. Patriot was my friend."

"I'm sorry mister but go away. I don't need your pity." Raleigh yelled out, "Dad!" I said, "don't. Don't worry. Mr. Stark, I came here to help your daughters and get you out of your lab. Now that I've done that it looks like I can go. Mr. Stark, it's been a pleasure," I looked at my daughter, "Raleigh, you know where to find me," she smiled at me then I disappeared.

Night fall
Tower across the street from the tower

I sat down next to my mom on the building across the street and looked at the balcony to see Raleigh talking with tony. My mother said, "why do you want to leave?" I looked at my mother, "I'm leaving because I don't want to come back and the next time it be him, my daughters, or someone else I care about."

"But you're giving up so much."

"It's not like this is the first time. Mom, Raleigh knows, and I know she'll keep my secret."

"Will you ever go back?" I shrugged then look back up to my family, "someday soon, just not now. Shields gone, the avengers are going there own ways, my old man and brother are working on building a new team with Sam, the vision and that Maximoff girl. They're going to be fine without me. Besides," I looked at my mom, "I just found out your my mom. Don't you owe me." she laughed, "I suppose I do. Stay as long as you want, I'll see you tomorrow." she left as I stood up. when I looked back at the tower I could see Raleigh looking at me. I waved then whispered, "until next time." she nodded her head then waved back and said, "bye dad," before I left.
The end

Ok, now I'm done. Thanks for reading.

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