Later that night

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Steve walked back up to the roof after everyone had fallen asleep. After a few minutes Steve was met by Ora, lily and Raleigh.

Ora said, "Hello Patriot." Steve turned around and smiled, "guardian Ora," he then nodded.

"I have told her about your request," Raleigh looked from Ora to Steve, "It says: do you see the stripes on either side of it. The ones that make up the eagle? Count them. 3. 3 freaking stripes. Do you know what rank that is in the army. It's Sargent. The freaking eagle is for cap and the stripes are for bucky. You can't tell me otherwise. Thank you peggy and howard... All I can say is thank you. To have chloe remember tony."

Steve looked down, "please. Even if you wipe her memory from this war with the machine. Guardian Ora... he needs her."

Ora nodded her head, "i understand... we can leave only a hand full of memories. The rest she will have to remember on her own. Patriot, are you sure?" Steve raised his head, "my priority is tony. If you can squeeze me in, then do it, but tony comes first." Ora nodded her head, "may I ask you a question?" Steve nodded his head then Ora continued, "you place the needs of others before yourself. You continue to help the guardians and King Odin of Asgard... why?"

Steve looked out to the moon, "I died that day in 2012. I should of stayed dead. If I could rewind time, I would. Start my introductions over, and this time bring Raleigh. You ask me why I fight... it's because it's a needed sacrifice," Steve looked back at Ora, "we all make needed sacrifices. My daughter learned that the hard way. truth is I'm not sure I should of been a father. Chloe's dead because of me, because I failed," Steve turned away when the tears started to fall.

Raleigh rushed to Steve's side and wrapped her arms around him.

Ora looked at lily, "get permission from the king. You have the power. It's time you used it." lily nodded her head then disappeared. Ora looked over to Steve and Raleigh... in a low whisper she said, "you deserve a happy ending. I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you, son," she smiled then disappeared.

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