Weeks later

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Steve wakes up to find tony reading a book. "Where am I?" Asked Steve. Tony looked at him, "blue eyes, you're in the infirmary."

"What happened?"

Tony scooted closer to Steve, "you were attacked. You've been in here for a couple weeks."

Steve quickly sat up and was about to get off the bed when tony stopped him, "blue eyes, you're still recovering." Steve looked at tony, "he attacked my daughter. Is she, where's Raleigh?"

"I'll go get her, blue eyes can I ask you one question first?"

Steve nodded his head then Tony continued, "what else do you remember?"

"Remember?" Steve looked away, "I remember my daughter," Steve looked over to tony, "I remember watching over someone, and falling in love with another." Tony backed up to the door, "do you know who I am?" Steve shook his head, "yes, you're my doctor." Tony turned to the door, "I'll be right back with you're daughter."

Tony left. Moments later Raleigh hurried into the room and over to Steve. "Papa!" Raleigh wrapped her arms around Steve's neck and hugged him tight. She then leaned in and whispered, "you sure about this?" Steve said, "sure about what?"

"Steve, what do you remember?"

"you and my other daughter, well just barley."

"Papa chloe is going to come in here. That boy Peter, her boyfriend too." Steve nodded his head, "i wish i could meet him on better circumstances."

Raleigh looked worried, "papa, you already have. many years ago. Papa, please tell me you're joking." steve looked around the room for a moment, "i'm sorry, but i cant remember."

Raleigh said, "get some rest. I'll come back in a couple hours with something to eat and the others."

Steve nodded his head then Raleigh left.

Chloe was wheeled in to the room by pepper and tony. "Blue eyes, I want you to meet your daughter Chloe." Steve smiled.

Chloe smiled, "I hear we have the same mental troubles." Steve nodded his head then chloe continued, "how are you feeling?"

"Me. Ya. I'm fine. I was wondering if we could talk. you, me, and your sister raleigh."

chloe looked shocked, "i didnt know i had a sister. I thought i was an only chiled."

steve nodded his head, "you are. i found raleigh on an assignment when i left to help the guardians. I understand if you dont want to talk to her. I understand completely. I just, please just once, talk to her. i think she could help you get your memories back. She kept an eye on you for several years of your life." chloe nodded her head, "and perhaps, you could listen to dad. please?"

steve nodded his head then looked to the door to see skye. he smiled, "i'm sorry ms. but i feel like i should know your name."

skye looked down for a moment, "well i'm glad to see you at least remember me. Agent Romanov explained what happened. my name is Skye. Commander, is there anything i can do to help you." steve laughed, "raleigh here told me that i was helping you. I'm so sorry. it looks like you're going to have to wait a little longer."

she nodded her head, "i know. i understand. word spread when you were brought in here. Your father arrived and tony has taken over for the time being till you can get back on your feet. The captain and your brother are worried about you."

"Please tell them I am ok. I will be out of here soon then we can get things back to normal."

Skye nodded her head then left.

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