Chapter 19

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Later that night I left my room wearing the sweats pants I had been given. A few minutes later I found myself sitting on the balcony over looking the city. When I heard foot steps I turned around to see tony holding a coffee cup.

"Can't sleep?"

"No sir."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Go right ahead."

I moved over and grabbed the jacket I had been given and tried to cover up.

"Don't mind me."

I set the jacket aside as he sat down next to me.

"So what brings you out here late at night Mr. Stark?"

"I haven't been able to sleep alright since Steve passed."

"I'm sorry."

"Thanks," it got quite, "if you don't mind me asking how did you get those scars?"

"Scars... I was shot in the chest by something. I was assigned to protect this man, he lived. I didn't."

"How did they bring you back?"

"Again not privileged to that information"


"Well when I woke up i found out my daughter and husband were dead... 14 years later I met someone and we've been together ever since."

"You sound happy."

I didn't answer. It was hard lying to Tony's face. Hard lying to the one man who gave me the only chance I had at a normal life.

I got up and started to fly off. I only turned around when tony called out my name.


I turned around, "yes mr. Stark?"

"Where you headed."

"To my ship. There are a few things I need to pick up. That thing will be here soon I think you need to be ready."

"You need help?"

"No. I'll be back by night fall. I think my weapons are going to help you. If you want to come go ahead and get suited up."

Tony got up and got into the suit that was on while I got into mine minus my mask then we left.


As we walked into my ship the computer scanned Tony's suit.

"So what are we up against?"

"Computer run the ULTRON file for Mr. Stark please."

"Yes sir," before the computer started to pull up pictures of hank pym and ULTRON before speaking again,"ULTRON was created for the sole purpose of rehabilitating the low crimed villains of Earth."

"Who created the machine?"

"ULTRON was created by Doctor hank Pym. Something happened and ULTRON was triggered into a kill or be killed feature."

"Is there a way we can stop it?"

"By sending him to the sun"


"Patriot here has been equipped to handle life in space. He has been set here to complete the job."

I felt Tony's eyes fall onto me.

"Computer start download of all ULTRON files to Mr. Starks armor."

"Yes sir."

I walked over to tony, "you won't be able to move for a while."

"Alright. So why did you come back. I know there's more than one reason behind all this."

"Steve saved my life and gave me a second chance. I could not do the same when he needed me so I am here to save the two things that matter most to him."

"Thank you."

"Download in progress."

I turned and walked to the weapons section of my ship and pulled everything out and put it into a bag then walked over to tony just as the computer said, "Down load complete."

"Is that it?"

"Yes Mr. Stark. Ready to go?"


We walked outside and barely had our feet on the grass before my brother came.

"How did you find us?"

"Step away from him tony."

"I'm not going to ask you again James."

"Jarvis told me."

"I swear I'm going to rewrite his hard ware one of these days," tony stood in front of me. When I stopped him I handed him the weapons.

"Your friend has a problem with me. I'd like to settle this here and now before someone gets hurt."

"Patriot he's drunk. You don't have to do this."

"Go on tony. Everything will be alright. I won't hurt him."

Tony took a better grip of the bag before flying off into the air. Then my brother and I went toe to toe. He had me down in three seconds flat.

When I tried to get back up he grabbed onto my bracelets and flipped me onto my stomach. James some how managed to rip off the bracelets from my wrist when he through me. James took a few steps and handed tony the bracelets as he landed in his armor. I knew I was changing back because of the pain radiating in my arms .

"Who the hell are you?"

I knew my blond hair was showing. I could see it in the reflection of broken glass beneath me. As I got up I wiped off the blood then looked at the two of them. Both had shock in there eyes.

My brother was the first to speak,"no. You died. This can't be."

Tony stepped out of the armor then said, "blue eyes?"

I wiped the blood off my face again then said, "what have you done!?"

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