Chapter seven

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"Director fury what do you plan to do when he wakes up?"

"I don't know son. Up until you brought him here... well we were begging to think they were just stories."

"When he wakes up, if I may, can I go in there?"

"Yes, but you have to dress the part. We feel that your father may tradition better into something like that."

"I noticed you had a radio."

"Steve what are you getting at?"

"Nothing. I just find it strange."

-|- DAYS LATER -|-

"Steve are you ready to go in?"

Steve walked out in a military uniform, "I'm ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. Now go in when your ready."

Steve nodded then proceeded in to the small recovery room that had been built for his father.

"Good morning captain, or should I say afternoon."

"Where am I?"

"Your in a recovery room in New York City."

Steve watched his father look around the room then back at him.

"Where am I really?"

"I'm afraid I dot understand."

"That game way from May 1941, I know because I was there," cap got up from the bed and stood 6'3" like his son, "now I'm going to ask you again, "where am I?"

"Captain rogers calm down."

Cap shoved his son against the wall.

"I'll explain everything in time. Please just calm down."

Once the captain let go everything seemed to be normal.

"What rank?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your rank son... what is it?"

"Oh, none captain rogers. They put me in this so transitioning would be easier for you."

"I don't understand... what transitioning?"

"You've been asleep cap... for almost seventy years."

Captain rogers walked to the window and looked out it for a few minutes. "you going to be ok?"

"Ya... ya, just" he looked back at his son before looking out the window again, "I had a date."

"Do you need a minute?"

"No, no... I'm good."

"You sure?"


Steve walked over to the captain, " my names S.G. Rogers. It's nice to meet you sir."

"And you S.G.."

The two shook hands.

"Captain when we leave here men with guns will be at every corner. They are only for security. Captain I will be taking you to meet some people who are very interested in you."

"Lead the way."

The two left the room then walked to where the director and tony were.


"Captain rogers this is Director Fury and Tony Stark."

"Stark? I know that name."

Tony shook hands with the captain, "that's baca use he was my father."

"You said was, I'm sorry."

"Thank you."


Tony came and stood by me. It was a nice thought but I didn't want him to.


"Captain rogers Mr. Stark was kind enough to set up arrangements for you. You can either go with him or stay here."

"I'd like to go with them for the time being director."

"Ok captain. If you change your mind I'm only a phone call away."

Fury handed my father his business card before we left.

-|- IN LIMO -|-

"Captain rogers you must be hungry. Want to stop somewhere for a bite."

"Sure. Maybe you two fellas could catch me up on things."

"Sure cap."

-|- IN DINER -|-

We had just ordered when I noticed my father looking at an old WW2 propaganda poster.

"Everything alright sir?"

"People still remember?"

"Yes... you saved the world captain. A lot of people remember."

He looked back at the poster then at me and smiled, "so tell me about yourself."

"Well I was named after my father. A man I've never met."

"And the S.G.? What does it stand for?"

"Steven grant."

He looked confused, "same name as me."

"I know."

Tony just sat back down and turned the awkward situation into a joking matter. It didn't last long though.

"So ready to go back to work? I'm sure gramps here wouldn't mind to see his new pad...."

"Tony do you mind giving the two of us another minute. I have something to discus with him."

"Yes sir."

I watched tony walk away before turning back to my father, "I'm not expecting anything."

My father stayed quite.

"And your mother?"

"Captain rogers you don't need to act like you want to be apart of my life. Up until 3 minutes ago you didn't even know anything about me."

"Yes but now I do. Your mother, did she ever speak of me?"

"I don't... I always thought that you were a myth. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry to. From now on I'm going to start by making it up to you. I don't know how but I'm going to make it up to you. You're my son. I've already missed so much of your life. I won't miss any more if you'll let me."

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

"Steven," my father smiled at me," it's funny saying your own name isn't it... tell about yourself and your family."

"Currently I work as Tony's secretary. My mom told me about you every chance she got and my step-father, he came home drunk and beat me and my brother."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. My little brother James shipped out as soon as he turned 18. He's reenlisted so many times. I don't think he's coming home"

"Do you communicate with him?"

"I received one five days ago. He said he was coming home and would be here by tomorrow. It's been 18 years."

"I'm sorry."

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