Chapter eight

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Days later Steve's brother would return home. It was later than expected but none the less he was home.


Around 8 o'clock on a Friday evening a plane touched down in a New York air field. Steve rogers and his father had been waiting there with other family members for hours until it started raining, and yet the two still stayed. Steve hadn't seen his brother since he was 25 and there father wanted to meet his son, the boy named after his dearly departed friend.

When the clock stuck 9 the soldiers were released. Both father and son waited eagerly with the few others who had brought umbrellas and waited, waited till a tall brunette in a military uniform walked out with his pack(bag) in hand.

The boy was happy. He hadn't been home in over 18 years and was glad he got to see his brother. Even if it was only going to be for that moment, he was happy.

"My name is Sargent James Buchanan Rogers," James put his hand out to shake captain rogers," it's nice to meet you Mr.?"

Steve spoke, "James I think it would be best if we got out of the rain."

The brunette answered before hugging his brother," i suppose your right," the three started walking," and maybe you could tell me about this mystery man you've talked about in your letters. Is this him?"

The three climbed into a limo.

"Heavens no. Actually Bucky this is... this is Captain Steven G. Rogers... our father."

"You're kidding right? he looks so young."

"Son... being frozen in ice for seventy years does that to you."

The three laughed.

"I'm sorry I'm in shock. I still can't believe this. I have so many questions."

"I will try and answer all that I can. but first I want to say I'm sorry. I wish I could of been there. Maybe if I had. Maybe things would have been different."

"I don't understand."

"Your brother told me about why you enlisted. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize for something that was out of your control. Captain... dad," James smiled," if you think I blame you then don't. The only thing I thank that man for is giving me another reason to get away from this place. I regret leaving my brother behind... it's just..."

"We did what we had to survive. But maybe you should go see her one last time before you leave again."

James reached out and took his brothers hand," I'm not going anywhere. I've missed to much of your life."

The two smiled. When James leaned back against the seat he felt a pencil like him. As he fished around he found a sketch pad," what is this?" James looked through the book to see peoples faces and other places Steve had been then turned the book over to see Steve's signature," Steve you drew all these? why didn't you tell me?

"My artistic skills. I used them to pay rent for a while. I tried to get into an art school but no one would accept me. Buck I didn't tell you because you had to much to worry about. Your my brother. I just wanted you to come home."

"And now I'm home. Steve come on. Tell me. Your my big brother. I should know these things. I want to be proud of my big brother. Not know who he is."

The limo stopped in front of Stark Tower. Steve stopped looking at his brother when he noticed a welcome home sign for James just above the entry to the tower. As Steve got out of the car he noticed tony walk out of the building and over to him.

Steve leaned down and kissed tony before captain rogers and James got out of the car.

"Blue eyes did you miss me?"

Steve smiled, "yes."

James grabbed his bag out of the trunk before walking over to Steve and tony with the captain.

"Welcome home Sargent rogers. It's good to finally meet you."

Tony and James shook hands.

"Are you the mystery man my brothers been talking about for the past three months?"

"I'd like to think so," Tony took Steve's hand and squeezed it, "you all ready to go inside? I had a room made up for you James."

"Thank you. it means a lot."

"Anything for family," tony smiled before leading the way inside the tower.

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