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Febuary 1, 2030
Steve walked into the command center. Natasha said, "captain in the room," then everyone stood up at attention.

"adease soldiers, and listen up," they all turned to look at steve, "I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. The road we've traveled has been a long and dangerous one. I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you for fighting by my side to protect the people of New York and all over the world from Ultron. I also want to say that we aren't finished fighting. Ultron may be gone, but we are far from over, we have people who need to be saved, and cities that need to be rebuilt. We will stand tall once again thanks to each and everyone of you," steve looked around the room then said, "now, who is in charge of communications?"

Natasha walked to Steve as the others went back to work, "hey, how are things?" steve looked at Natasha, "please dont ask me how i'm doing," natasha nodded her head then steve continued, "Any word from SHIELD?" natasha said, "I got word from an agent Simmons. She says there in an old SSR base."

"Do they need assistance?"

natasha shook her head, "more like space. Something happened. Steve, something happened to one of the agents and it didn't sound to good."

"get in contact with them. tell them I'm headed over there with tony's medical drones. If they have wounded then they could need help."

natasha nodded her head. Steve then started to leave. Before he left she said, "steve?" he turned around as she walked up to him and handed him a paper with an address, "this was one of the first bases formed for the ssr after WW2. If your fathers still in the area, I suggest you bring him."

"i dont think thats best," she gave him a questioned look before steve continued, "that place is one of the many reminders of a life he missed out on. If you were him, would you want to go?" Natasha said, "no, i suppose not."

"thanks for the address," steve took a step back, "i'm heading out. If tony asks tell him where I went and make sure he doesnt kill Pym while I'm away." natasha smiled then nodded her head as steve left.


Steve got into his fathers stealth uniform then took off to the base. Once there he was greeted with a gun to the back of his head by Agents May, and Hunter. Hunter said, "who are you and how did you find this place!"

Steve Said, "I'm Captain S.G. Rogers. We got sent a message that you needed help. I brought one of Stark's Medical Drones for assistance."

may said, "S.G.?"

"yes. the world war 2 heroes kid. Now, I'm going to turn around slowly," steve turned around slowly as the two placed there weapons away, "Agents, Where is Director Fury?"

may said, "its not director anymore," steve looked questioned then may added, "follow me, I'll take you to the new director." steve nodded his head the followed may and hunter.

Steve was greeted by simmions, "so captain, what can I help you with?"

"Jemma, you know why I'm here. now spill."

"Fine, I thought you'd be able to talk to her more than anyone of us."

Steve said, "her?"

Steve followed simmons into an observation room, "what happened to her?"

"Something happened to her and we don't know what."

Coulson said, "We lost a good man during all of this."

"I, I don't understand."

Jemma said, "we needed medical supplies. I figured you'd be able to talk to her. I figured that with your gifts. I thought you'd be the one to get through to her."

"May I?" Steve looked at Coulson. Coulson nodded his head then said, "yes."


steve walked into the room then waited at the door and watched as skye looked up at him, "Skye, may I come in and sit with you." she nodded her head, "is this the first time you've lost a soldier?"

Skye said, "I'm no soldier."

"Skye, being an agent of shield means being a soldier. You're just given a different title," said Steve.

"I don't want to be rude, but why are you here?"

"Because your friends, your family, out there felt like I'd be the only one to connect, and get through to you. I know what it's like to have powers. To watch loved ones die. To miss out on life."

"You, have powers?"

"Yes ma'am," Steve held out his hand, "the people who gave me these powers took me away from my family for 18 years. I missed out on a lot. They gave me all these powers, and yet, I couldn't do a thing when my daughter got hurt in the war."

"I'm sorry."

A rose formed in Steve's hand. He then gave it to skye, "you and I have walked down two completely different paths. But somewhere deep down, you and I are the same. So, if you're going to run then run straight to me. You're not alone."

Steve wrapped his arm around skye.

"Tell me about you and your family?"

Steve nodded his head, "I met my husband many years back. It was through the weirdest of circumstances, but in the end we fell in love and got married. Many years later we asked a close friend to be a surrogate mother. In the nine months of her pregnancy I was approached by these people. They need help and I agreed. What was only meant to be 18 months turned into 18 years and I missed out on my daughters graduation, birthdays, first kiss and so much more. One stupid mistake cost me everything. Then I came home and I met my daughter. She'd grown up beautifully with her father. All that changed when the war broke out and Ultron killed my daughter, and there was nothing I could do to save her."

Skye said, "we all make need sacrifices. She must of thought this one was needed."

"In the end we all die. I just wish I went first."

Skye said, "you're a hero, an avenger." Steve smiled, "my fathers the avenger, not me."

Skye took Steve's hand and squeezed it tight, "you are. You're a hero and what makes you a hero is the simple things. You're helping me, and all those people out in the world who are looking to the avengers for help and guidance. You may not see yourself as a hero, but I do, and I'd follow you into battle Commander."


She said, "your rank." Steve smiled, "my fathers uniform from the fight in 2014. He let me use it while he's off looking for a friend with my brother," Steve stood up then smiled before he started to leave.

"Where are you going?"

Steve stopped at the door, "home. You coming?"

Skye got up and walked over to Steve, "I can't."

"You can't, or you won't?"

"Can't," said skye. Steve looked at Skye, "you're better off with people of your own kind. You both are. Skye, I know you don't know me. I know you don't know me, and I know you have no reason to trust me, but Jemma Simmons seems to trust me and I feel you and your friend would be better off with us. We've got brilliant minds and other heroes that could help you learn to control your powers. I'm also able to help."

Skye said, "let me pack my bag."

Steve walked out with Skye following and then got stopped by May and Coulson.

"What the hell do you think your doing?"

"Doing? She needs to be with people of her own kind, and we need to talk."

Coulson looked at Skye and told her to go. she smiled, hugged him, then left. When Skye was gone, Coulson said, "my office, now." The three left.

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