Chapter 12

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Steve and I started to talk about children after he agreed to marry me. it was sweet and i was glad he was interested. the only problem is who would be willing to help. they thought about adoption but they wanted one of there own and they wanted someone they could trust. The two of us were both stuck on ideas till peper walked in my office.

"Tony there are several things that you need to sign."

"pepper i need a word with you."

"this needs to get filled before first."

"alright. businees first. what is this for?"

"the boys that work with the reactor you built have found ways that might be able to extend to the entire country. you need to sigh these so that section can get more funding."


i signed the pappers then she left to send them where they needed to go. About an hour later pepper came back.

"now what did you need?"

"steve and i were talking about kids and we wanted to ask you to be the surrogate mother. i realize that you need to talk to Happy."

steve interupted me.

"pepper do not feel preasured by any of this. we thought we would ask you. youve been one of tonys closest friends since he took over this company and i thought out of anyone you would be the one we could trust."

"ill talk to happy but its up to him. i'd love to help you but i want to talk to him about it."

"alright. take all the time you need. thank you."

pepper smilled before leaving.


"happy i need to talk to you."


"tony and steve came to me about being a surrgoate mother for them. i would like to help them out but i wanted to talk to you about it first."



"what happens if you decide to keep the baby?"

"happy we already have two beautiful kids and if you dont want me doing this then i wont."

"do you really want this pepper?"

"i want to help them so yes."

"then it has to be steve. i dont care what stark says... it has to be steve."

"alright. ill tell them tomorrow."

"thank you"

 -|- THE NEXT DAY -|-

Pepper walked into the living area at stark tower and found steve eatting breakfast. when she made it over to the table steve got up and smiled," so is it good news or bad news?"

"good. but theres a catch."


"he agreed but he wants you as the father."

"ok. i'll tell him. thank you and tell Happy i appreciate it."

"I will."

pepper smiled before leaving.

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