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Steve walked into his office then shut the door. He started to walk over to his chair then stopped, and fell to his knees the started crying. He was on his knees for a few minutes before Captain America and james, Steve's brother, walked in, and hurried over to Steve.

The captain said, "are you alright son?"

Steve stood up, "she's gone."

James said, "What do you mean? Pepper?"

Steve said, "Chloe. She's gone."

james placed a hand on his brothers shoulder, "steve?"

steve slowly got up, "i want to be alone. I cant do this right now."

the captain said, "the people are looking to you for leader ship Steve. I'm sorry to say this son, but threre is no not right now. Natasha sent us up here. She said she's trying to get in contact with Nate and the remain SHIELD agents. Steve, Take 15 minutes, but then come back. Natasha told me you layed down the law, you need to remember to enforce it to." in seconds steve was composed and back to normal, "are you two alright?" steve looked at his brother to see he was in crutches, "bucky?"

james nodded his head, "nothing that time wont fix. Steve, listen to dad for once in your life and take a breather right now. take it from me when i sayyou cant bounce back from something like this so quickly. I've lost people to steve. Bottling the pain like this isnt the way to go."

steve looked at his brother, "i'm sorry, but i have too. I dont have time to cry. I have a city that needs rebuilding and people that need to be saved."


Steve sat on the roof of the base with a bottle of scotch in his hand. After a few minutes his father climbed up the latter then over to steve and sat next to him.

"dad?" steve looked at his father, "how did you do it. how do you do it. how do you get people to rally behind you?"

the captain said, "the stars and these stripes i wear. They were a gift at first, but now, now they're a burden."

steve looked at his father, "i dont understnad."

"I stay captain america not for myself, but for the millions of americans who need me to be there hero. who need me to save the day when public services cant. When I went down, the world was at war... when I woke up, they said we won... they never said what we lost. While you were gone I ran into a ghost. My best friend."

"the man my brothers named after?"

the captain nodded his head, "we fought, took out most of New York in the process. Steve, I'm here because they need me. They need a hero to look up to, to insprie them. to save them. to be the man none of them could be. I'm captain america because i have to be, not because i want to be."

steve looked down, "sorry i asked."

the captain continued, "i came up here to say good bye. Your brother and I are headed out to look for him. I'm sorry to be leaving, but I have too. It's been years since New York, and I need to find him." steve stood up, then the captain followed, "take all the supplies you need. dad, take care of yourself, and come home safe," steve placed out his hand and his father shook it, "i cant lose anyone else I care about." the captain nodded his head, "i promise. Will be home before you know it, and will bring back any survivors if possible." steve hugged his father then said good bye before watching him leave.

when the captain and bucky were gone steve went back to drinking. he was alone for a moment before nate appeared.

nate said, "patriot, what are you doing?"

steve sat back down, "drinking," he through his arm back with bottle in hand, "want some?" nate said, "no," as he sat down next to steve, "now, tell me why you drink. you know you cant get drunk. So why drink?"

"Chloe's dead. I missed 18 years of her life because of a stupid accident, and when i finally get her back and I mean really get her back... WHEN I FINALLY GET TO WATCH HER GROW UP," steve took another drink from the bottle then quieted down, "i lose her all over again."

"Patriot, things will be ok in the end, if there not ok, then there not the end." steve looked at nate, "what are you getting at?"

nate smiled, "i was called on a new assignment. Patriot I came to say good bye."

"Good bye? are you headed on another assignments?"

Nate said,v"head home. I've got family I haven't seen since I left 100's of years ago. I want to see home one last time before I die."

"God speed," Steve placed his hand out, "and thank you." Nate took Steve's hand, "Steven Grant rogers Jr," Nate smiled, "it has been an honor, and you know, its not to late to late to come with."

Steve looked down at tony, who was again at there daughters grave then back at steve, "thanks, but no. I've got someone else here who needs me." the two looked down at tony then nate said, "Guardian Ora asked me to deliver a message."

steve said, "ok."

"we will be watching. She told me she sent several guardians to keep an eye on you. She said not to worry, that everything would be ok in the end."

steve smiled then said good bye to nate then walked into the base.

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