Chapter ten

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I just got back from my run. Even though I had a late start I still managed to get my run in.

As I walked off the elevator and noticed tony was no were to be found.

"Jarvis where's tony?"

"He's in his lab?"

"How long?"

"Since you left sir."

"Jarvis can you call and order some take out from the Shawarma joint? tony was talking about it and I'd like to surprise him."

"I will call in your order. It will be ready by the time you get back down stairs"

"Thank you Jarvis."

I walked into the elevator.

"Will there be anything else."

"Yes. Has tony said anything since I left. Or left the lab since I went on my run?"

"He's been looking at the same picture of both your father and his own since you left sir."

"Great. Jarvis do me a favor and do not tell him I was here."

"Yes sir."

Steve rode the elevator down then hurried to pick up the food. As I returned to the tower I was stopped by my father.

"Steve where are you off to?"

"To surprise tony with brunch."

"Do you want some help?"

"No, I'm fine. He's going through some things right now and I think he even might not want me there."

"Well don't let him push you away. If I had someone like you in my life I think I'd be doing alright."

I smiled," take it easy dad. I'll catch you later."


I walked over to the elevator then got on and headed for Tony's lab. When I got off I found the doors to be locked and I saw tony sitting in the same position as how Jarvis described him earlier.

"Jarvis turn of his music and open the door."

"I can only turn off the music sir. Mr. Stark has over written my programming so it is through manual use only."

"Turn off his music."

"Yes sir"

The music turned off and tony looked over to me," go away blue eyes"

"I brought food," I held up my arms to show the two bags off food," tony let me in."

Tony held onto the picture as he walked over and opened the door.

"you know me to well."

"Tony I love you but you need to stop doing this to yourself. You need to get out of the lab and start living your life. Live it with me."

"me hungry"

"promise me you'll stop locking yourself in here."


i handed him his bag of food and managed to grab the picture he was holding.

"why were you looking at this."

"he spent the first 16 years of my life looking for your father"

"im sorry"

"I wonder what would of happened if he would of found your dad."

"I probably wouldn't be here right now."

The two sat down on the couch.

"I would fight for you if my old man was still here."

"That's nice to hear."

"Steve I want to apologize to you for the way I've been acting today. I just... I see the new chance you get to have with your father and I hate to say this but I'm a bit jealous. I know you just meet him this year but the thing in jealous of is he just accepted you for what you are. My old man didn't ever do that for me."

Steve set his food down and got on his knees in front of tony, "your father never saw the man you were. He should of accepted you for you. As for my old man I know he doesn't like us being together. It bugs the hell out of him that I'm with you."

Tony set his food down and looked at Steve.

"But he can't do anything about it. Yes he's my father but he hadn't been in my life... you have. You matter more to me than anything tony," Steve smiled then leaned in and kissed tony before sitting back down and proceeding to eat, "I mean that tony."

Tony smiled then the two started to eat. Once they were done Steve practically had to drag tony out of the lab.

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