Learning to Sail

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"What are we doing at the harbour? I thought we were going to your house?" I ask Malin. When she picked me up at Alqualonde's castle, she said we were having tea with her father. Why the harbour? Unless we are picking her father up from the harbour.

I thought he wasn't sailing today.

"We are, but I figured you'd like to learn to sail,"

What? She's keeping up her promise. Holy valar. Am I dreaming?

"Are you serious?"

Behind me, Nanwe and Kaesta giggle. They know sailing has been on my list of things to learn for years. Literal years.

Even my grandparents know.

"So serious that she roped her father and grandfather into teaching," Luinince, Malin and Itisse's father, states as he rounds the corner of a boathouse. He doesn't seem too peeved, and he does have a giant smile on his face.

All good signs.

"Luinince, good to see you," I nod to Malin and Itisse's father.

"And you, princess," Luinince bows and smiles. "How is my daughter? I'm afraid I haven't seen her in some time,"

"Which daughter? You have two,"

It's funny, Luinince is six years younger than I am, yet I'm good friends with his oldest daughter. I should be better friends with him since we're a part of the same generation. Another life, perhaps.


"Still extremely cuddly with Mori but otherwise good,"

They have yet to move out of the manor. Even Father finds it strange. He even built them a home a few streets from the manor. A beautifully designed home. I would know since it was I who designed it.

Yet they remain at the manor with nine other people. Sure, the manor is huge, but it's not massive. It's not grandfather's castle. It can get rather cramped with eleven people living in one house.

Kana and Tyalme moved out eight years after they got married. Yes, they do come for extended stays, but they leave. Mori and Itisse haven't. And they've been married for forty-eight years.

"How long has it been?" Luinince knows how long his youngest daughter has been married. He was there when it happened.

I raise an eyebrow.

In return, Malin's father gives me a look that says humour me. "Forty-eight years,"

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't help with that,"

"I didn't think so," I smile at the male.

Luinince motions for me and my friends to follow him. We walk along the harbour until we reach another boathouse. Only this one has Malin's grandfather sitting on the front porch.

I nod to Tyavro, Malin's Grandfather and Luinince's father. Tyavro nods back, offering me a cup of...I don't know what's in the cup.

I take the cup and give it a sniff. It's sweet with milk and honey. Warm enough to heat the metal cup. Hmm. Raising the drink to my lips, I sample the amber liquid. It's sweet like I thought it would be but a little bitter. I am not sure if I like it.

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