A Little Adventure

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"Dana?" Curvo knocks on the door to my room. Oh, valar. I love my brother, but I was looking forward to some alone time. I haven't had any in weeks. 

Between Father and Grandfather and the master mason wanting new building plans, I've hardly had time to myself. Valar, I've told Father time and time again that to expand formenos, we need to slow down. People are beginning to tire of the fortification project.

Myself included.


"Tyelpe!" My nephew exclaims as he opens the door to my room. This would be awkward if I were changing. If only that weren't the case.

Tyelpe is so cute. I never want him to change. I said the same thing when he was five months old and could sleep on my chest as I worked. Usually, that would include Mother tying a scarf around him and me. It was a cuddly time. I loved it.

Some days, I wish I could go back to those times. A little cuddle here and there. Valar, I miss it. I used to do it with Nelyo and our other brothers. It was the best time with them. Now, they are grown and can be rather obnoxious. And unfortunately, too big to cuddle like a baby. 

"Dear brother, dearest nephew, to what brings you to my humble room?"

Curvo grimaces as if only just noticing my lack of pants. He turns his gaze up to my ceiling. It's an interesting find if you know your constellations. "I need an hour or two with my wife. Could you watch Tyelpe?"

"I asked everyone else, but they're busy," Curvo quickly adds.

An hour or two usually means until dinner. Not that I mind. I love my time with my nephew, but I have plans...Fine. I'll do it. I doubt he'll mind. Besides, he adores Tyelpe.

"Let me guess a new project for the guild," It's always a new project for the guild. Thankfully, Curvo has never come close to missing a deadline like he nearly did when he met Eathinel.


"Two hours max, I have work to do,"

Curvo nods enthusiastically as he keeps his eyes glued to my face. "Of course, no more than two hours,"

Fat chance of that happening.

Curvo kisses Tyelpe on his forehead before shutting the door. Leaving me with a pair of pants I need to put on and an excited nephew.



"Would you be a dear and wait for me to finish changing in my bathroom?"

"Yep." Tyelpe walks past me and into the bathroom room behind my bed. He even closes the door for added privacy. How sweet.

Quickly, I pull on my socks, pants and boots. Once finished, I release Tyelpe from the bathroom. My nephew grins and takes my hand. I lead my nephew through the house and out the front door.

On the porch, Kana is having tea with Lady Mastinde. Tyelpe's grandmother greets the toddler and gives him a hug and kiss. Eathinel's mother smiles and asks where we are going. I reply an adventure. She doesn't need to know where.

Kana grins and asks if we will be back before dinner.

I smile and tell him I would never miss dinner, Curvo, on the other hand. At my reaction, Kana shakes his head. With one last smile, he tells Tyelpe to have fun. Then he turns back to his conversation about composing with Lady Mastinde.

I take Tyelpe's hand in mine and lead him toward the stables. It's a short walk but a good one.

"Auntie Dee, where are we going?"

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now