Dinner and Training

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"Welcome," Father smiles at Teluco, Wérener and Lenda—his apprentices.

Pica and Wisto have been here for almost fifteen minutes. Mother's apprentices decided to be early. Like fathers apprentices only they're almost thirty minutes early. At least they are not Teluco.

That fair-haired male has had me in his sights for a long time. Father isn't encouraging it nor is he dismissing the idea. It's up to me. Which I thank him for but I'd wish Teluco would take a hint and lay off.

Dinner will be entertaining if he decides to make a move.

Teluco grins and instead of shaking my hand, he goes in for a hug. Not what I wanted. I don't hug many outside family. Out of all the apprentices, I'd prefer to hug Lenda. She's nice. And she's not trying to court me.

Teluco lets go and as he does he places a hand dangerously close to my rear end.

"Let's move into the dining room," Father gestures to the dining room on our left. "Nerdanel's apprentices are already here,"

I smooth my dress and loop arms with Lenda. Father's apprentice smiles and walks with me to my seat. She takes Nelyo's seat and I take mine on fathers right.

Mother's apprentices take a seat on either side of her. They sit near the middle of the table on the opposite side of the table to Lenda and me.

Curvo takes a seat across from me. At father's left. Father can help him if he needs it. On Curvo's left is Teluco. Beside him are Pica, Mama, Wisto and Turca.

Thank the Valar, Turca chose that seat. I do not need Turca and Teluco butting heads. They have in the past.

Father sits at the head of the table. Beside me are Lenda, Kana, Wérener, Nelyo and finally Mori. I'm not sure how long Mori will sit there. He may change seats with Nelyo.

In formenos, Alo's counterpart is Kesti. She cooks when we're here. Same as Alo cooks when we're in Tirion. They share a cookbook and this year Alo sent it up with us. Instead of taking it up himself.

As the food rolls out I strike up a conversation with Lenda. I believe she's working on metallic composition. The advanced stuff. Her project this year is to show the beauty of each metal in its natural state.

"Lenda how has your project been going,"

"It's going well, I'm finding it hard to find what I want to do with tantalum,"

"That one is tough," It's true. Tantalum is a difficult metal to work with. Its natural state even more so.

Lenda goes to reply but she's cut off by Turca having an outburst.

"That is not true," Turca growls standing abruptly. His chair clatters to the floor.

The room goes silent.

"Turcafinwe take your seat," Father chastises.

Turca glares at Teluco and grits his teeth.

Oh, Valar. Teluco's doing this now. Even worse he chose Turca to do it through. This will not end well. Not for my brother and not for the apprentice.

Turca turns to father. He sneers. "Your apprentice accused Dana of leading him on. Your apprentice claims Dana came into him in the smithy. Your apprentice is a lying good for nothing—"

"Take your seat Tyelkormo," I state. My gaze never left Teluco's face.


"Take. A. Seat,"

"You let your sister fight your battles. Mine would never dare," Teluco smiles.

He's happy he has my attention. He won't be when I'm finished.

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