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"I remember the time Finno first tried to use my bow!" I grin recall the memory. Finno was close to 10 when he first attempted to use my childhood bow. He broke it. Not the first nor the last bow he broke.

"Yes and how I broke the bowstring when you told me to pull as hard as I could!" We howl with laughter. Oh Valar.

"My Lady and Lords, sorry to interrupt but you are needed, in King Finwe's study." A servant looks at me.

"I'll be back," I say kissing Mori's forehead as a warning and shoot a pointed look at Turca before rushing off to Grandfather's study.

Hopefully they'll be nice to our cousins for a bit. I can't vouch for Ambarussa. I haven't seen them since I walked around to socialist. But they have been tame. From what I've heard so far. They did say not to touch the punch. So I've denied several people asking if I want punch. If anything I'll trust Ambarussa on this.

I hope I don't come back to several ruffed up elves. I'd rather have a nice night. Not one spent in the healers wing. If shit goes down I'm going down with it. I'd do nearly anything for my family.

I don't say I'd do anything for my family. Not any more. To say I learned my lesson is an understatement. At one time in my life I did say I'd do anything for my family. Ambarussa overheard and had me talk slow as I can. I've never said that phrase like that since that day.

I open the doors to Grandfather's study and walk-in. At Grandfather's table Father, Grandfather and a dark-haired male stand around talking.

Who is he?

"I thought I said not to let this meeting be disturbed," Father says, his tone chippy. He looks around Grandfather and at me.

What a greeting. Thank you, Father.

Amused, I smile. "I could have sworn you sent for me,"

"Who are you to address Prince Fëanor," A young-looking male growls. I won't say he's not pretty. He stands a few inches taller than Curvo and me. Which is not that impressive. Nelyo would dwarf him. As he does with everyone.

"The question is, who are you?" I approach the male. He stares down his nose.

"I'm Agies,"

Agies? Huh, I could have sworn I've heard Grandfather mutter that name before. "And you are?"

"Princess Danafinwé Feaelenion Feanorian." I nearly grin at the male. Agies looks at Father and back at me. He wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"Why are you dressed like that?"

Across the table, Grandfather sighs. He uses Agies' name as a warning. The moment the name passes through Grandfather's lips I remember who Agies is. He's a lord near Nolofinwe's manor.

"I was at the ball, Grandfather is hosting," I say glaring at Agies. I tire of this male. He seems to think he has any sway over me. What has Father promised him?

"A female should not dress so plainly," Agies looks me up and down. A look of disgust on his face.

This male makes my blood boil. That is never a good sign. It takes a great deal for my temper to boil over. Yet this male is tempting my tolerance.

"Perhaps you should find company in others," I say keeping my cool. I keep my face neutral. "That is if you disapprove of my dressing."

"Enough Dana." Father sighs walking around the table to me. He places a hand on my shoulder. A soft expression on his face. "Agies has asked for your hand and I have accepted,"

I look between Father and Agies. He wants me to what?

"You want me to marry him," I point at Agies. Thoughtfully, Father nods. "How much experience does he have working in a court?"

"What are his standings with court members? Can he navigate others without batting an eye? Is he able to work in a smithy with as much efficiency as you or I?"

"You are my only daughter. I want you to be happy," Father says. He places his hands on my shoulders and smiles. "Besides, Agies has told me so much about your adventures,"

Father leaves me with Grandfather and Agies. How can I feel anything but horrified? Did he just say our adventures? I don't even know Agies. I turn on my heel and briskly walk back the way I came. Agies hot on my heels.

Back in the hall, Father addresses the crowd. The attendees turn their attention to me. Normally I don't care about the attention but this can. It be happening. Father is actually going to announce it.

The crowed parts like one would there hair.


I force myself to walk towards Father. He smiles. Father motions for Agies to stand with us. I then stand next to Father and wait for Agies to make his way up here. He stands proudly beside me.

"7 months from now. My daughter, Danafinwé Feäelenion Feanorian is to wed Lord Agies." Father says. He pushes me and Agies closer together. Warily I smile.

Agies slips his hand into mine. It takes all I have not to rip my hand from his. Father pushes us to dance. Agies takes me to the centre of the floor. He nods to the musicians and the music begins. He glares as I begin to lead. He quickly forces me to follow his lead. The whole dance must have looked like a grapple for power.

Likely how the engagement will be.

I let go of Agies when the dance is done and head towards the balcony. It's far enough from the crowd that we don't have to worry about noise.

Thankfully Agies doesn't follow.

"Ah Dana. I suppose congratulations are in order." Nelyo smiles. I walk up to him and wipe my hands on his shirt.

"Don't bother,"

Nelyo frowns. "Did you not ch—"

"Nope," I cut Nelyo off.

"Curvo," His cheeks are flushed. I assume he recently escaped Fathers clutches. His praise for his 6th child is renowned. Almost always ends with Curvo looking a lot more like Mori.

Red in the face.

"Sister," Curvo offers me his arm. "Care to dance?"

"I'd rather not," I lean onto the railing of the balcony. Curvo nods and does the same.

"I hear Agies is a dick,"

"Understatement," I roll my eyes. My gaze slips to the stars peeping through Teleperion's waning light. "Tell me how was the dance?"


"Truthful as always," I smile at my younger brother. "Much appreciated."

"Always," Curvo nods. I can always count on him for an ounce of truth. Even if it wasn't wanted nor what I want to hear.

"...I'm going to bed," I yawn lifting myself from the ground.

Kana whines about being left with Nelyo and Finno. He won't be alone. He'll have Turvo.

Telvo and Pityo left a few minutes ago. Something about looking for a white speckled glow bird. Or at least something along those lines. I didn't catch the whole conversation. Mori left sometime ago. Turca and Curvo meandered off somewhere. I didn't bother looking hard.

I chuckle at my brother's whiny tendencies. Mix him with long balls and wine, he becomes a child again. Especially when he gets tired. He never quite grew out of that.

"Kana, I'm exhausted," I say mid hug from Turvo. I then move on to Findo, then Finno, then Nelyo and finally back to Kana. "You will be fine. I can walk you back to your rooms if you'd like."

He nods and stands. Turning I wave back to our brothers and cousins. After dropping Kana off at his rooms in the castle I head for my rooms. I take off my heels on my way. In my rooms, I toss my heels by my wardrobe. I take a second to myself. Which I rarely do. So much to do and not always enough time.

I take a quick bath. I'm glad to be wearing my pyjamas. The sky outside is lightly dusted with stars as I hop into bed. The moment my damp hair hits the pillow I fall asleep.

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now