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"Dana are you ready yet?" Finno yells through the door. Is the nicest son of Nolofinwe getting impatient? Has Turca rubbed off on Finno?

Valar, if I know. He may want to find Nelyo as fast as he can. It's been a busy few weeks and they haven't seen much of the other. It sounds like me and my friends.

It's been a time since I've spent some quality time with them. Aerus and Malin are getting restless. They say I deserve a break. There right of course but I like working with Grandfather. Kaesta and Eldaren, last I checked, are in Valmar or was it Alqualonde? Last I saw them they were on there way to Lorien.

I stopped by my rooms in Grandfather's castle to finish a document. There had been information I needed and I remembered I left it in my rooms. Tomorrow I present my findings and purpose a new system of trade.

I'm hoping it goes well. If not, this winter will be shit. 

"Yes yes, I'm ready," I yell placing my brush on my table and straighten my posture. I smooth my dark blue dress as Finno opens my door.

"You look stunning dear cousin. You did this without Morifinwe's help?" Finno says with a smirk on his lips. I have half a mind to wipe that smirk off his face. But I keep my hands to myself. Mother would scold me big time if Finno walked in with a red mark on his face.

"I did, but he made me wear heels." I lift my skirts an inch to show Finno the heels. Finno muses I do seem taller. I'm not that short. Although Father says I have Grandmother's stature. I certainly don't have his. If I did I'd be taller than Mother. And we're the same height.

I smile and walk out of my rooms. Finno follows closely. We briskly walk out of the royal wing and towards the ballroom. I sneak a look at my cousin. "I'm pleased to say you look rather put together Finno,"

My young cousin snorts.

"Mothers doing."


We reach the ballroom doors and two servants open the doors.

"Thank you, " I say walking through the open doors. I keep an eye out for an overly tall red-head. With him should be Kana, Turvo, Findo and possibly Mori. We find them by the balcony on the far end of the ballroom.

"Ah, Dana you look radiant as per usual!" Kana says as Finno and I approach. Our siblings and cousins turn to look at us. Unsurprisingly Mori isn't among them. He's likely running late or in a corner. Perhaps he's talking with one of the lords I will speak with tomorrow.

"Thank you, Kana. Findekano is in disbelief that I did this by myself." I give Finno a look. Finno smiles.

"Well, I think that you did a good job without Morifinwe," Findo says giving Finno a knowing look. He turns back to me and takes in what I put together. He straightens the necklace I'm wearing. Oh, ever the mother hen.

"Agreed," Nelyo says. He tugs on the sleeve of his shirt. I walk over to the railing and watch the waxing of Teleprion. Slowly but surely the stars begin to appear.

I hear a bellowing chuckle come from Turca. A softer chuckle comes from Mori. I look at what they're laughing at. Nelyo must have knocked his circlet off centre when he was smoothing his hair. "Oh, Nelyo. Bend down."

He does as told.

I adjust the cool metal and pat his cheek.

"...there all better,"

"Who wants to dance?" Finno asks looking at Nelyo. The taller of the two smiles and holds out his arm.

"Findarato would you like to dance?" I ask with a grin. I hold out my arm. Findo takes my arm and I lead him out to the dance floor.

Findo asks if he gets to lead. He takes my hand in his left and puts his right hand on my waist. I put my hand on his right bicep. I smile and begin to lead him in a waltz. "What do you think?"

"I knew this was going to happen."

I chuckle at my cousin's reaction.

"So dear cousin are you thinking of courting anyone?" He asks spinning me.

"Who are you suggesting? Aerus?"

"Your friend?"

I nod.

"No, someone closer to your age."

"That is hard to do." My mind wanders to my friends. I can't help but wonder if they get to attend this year. The previous year they had things come up. "How's Turvo? It's been a while since I've seen him."

Findo and Turvo were travelling these past few weeks. They returned to Tirion yesterday. I've yet to greet Turvo since his return. Findo smiles wide. "Oh, he's doing well. We spent a few hours in the trees and walked to the market before taking a ride. We could take you tomorrow."

"Sounds like fun." I smile at my cousin. He spins me around and gives me his signature smile. Here we go.

"It would be good for you to find someone your age. No, wait it would just be me. Turvo is with Elenwe tomorrow."

"Findarato, there are very few the same age as me. Our Aunts and Uncle are younger than I am. Not to mention your Father." Findo rolls his eyes.

"Besides, I am needed in Grandfather's court. I do not believe Father will be joining the court, nor do I believe my husband will be welcome." I spin him which is relatively easy. With my inch heels we are the same height of 6'8.

"Ah-ha, I think it's time to head back my feet kill," I grin. Findo smiles. He's worn heels before. Although he was younger than he is now. Findo chuckles.

"I agree...Hey!" Finrod says turning me to his left. An overly tall redhead and a dark-haired elf bump into us. They stick their tounges out and continue dancing.

How princely.

"Oh! Brutes. Come, let's go," I say grab Findo and lead him back to Kana, Turca, Mori and Turvo. We step between Mori and Turvo. They look to be on the edge of bursting. Turca has a triumphant smile on his face. So he's the instigator.

I shimmy closer to him and pinch his underarm. He squeals and glares harshly. My smile is all the apology he gets. He narrows his eyes.

"Dancing's overrated. I'd rather sing and play my harp." Kana says. He pulls me in front of him. He's at the perfect height for him to rest his chin on my head. Ugh. Not this again.

"Ah yes, you and your harp...why didn't Father let you play this year?" I ask.

"He said I should give my fingers a rest. I have played for the past fifty years and I'll play at many more. So I should have fun at least once."

"Sounds about right."

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now