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"Danafinwé!" Father yells from the top of the arena wall. Oh, look the fire of Feanor. Oh, wait I have that too. Literally.

"Yes?" I notch an arrow.

"Come here!"

'He seems mad.' Finno mutters.

I take the arrow off of my bow and place it back into my quiver. 'Understatement,'

"Yes," I lift myself into the seats. Behind Father, is Agies. The lord stands a few feet away. I look between the two.

"Why weren't you at breakfast this morning?" He asks crossing his arms.

"I ate with Kana. By the time Agies got to my rooms, I had finished and wasn't hungry." I cross my arms and ignore Agies' glares.

Valar, he makes me want to strangle him. Not that I would. It is tempting. I have enough composer and control not to.

"When I explained it, Agies forcefully started to drag me to the dining hall. I asked him to let go but he didn't." Fathers eyes darken. "I managed to break free and ran to my room to grab my things, then headed here."

"I thought you had blocked off this morning for breakfast with me." Father's fire fades to a light flicker. He stares, confusion written all over his face.

"I did no such thing I eat dinner and lunch with family. You know this." I shake my head. "Who told you I was dining with you this morning?"

"Agies," That bastard. He's causing me too many problems! He has to go.

"There's the problem. Agies is the one you shouldn't listen to." Kana interrupts Father as he goes to question me.

Father turns to his third child. Kana shies away after realizing his mistake. Never interrupt Feanaro. At least not in public. We all know that. Frankly never interrupt any of us.

"Next time I'll check with you," Father smiles and turns to Agies.

My fury has just started. If I didn't know better I'd blast his ass on fire. But I do and Father dislikes when I use my fire in retaliation. That is if he doesn't approve of my reason. Agies is an ass and I don't want to marry him. If he is to treat me like that every day I will gladly end him.


"What did your daughter tell you?"

"She said that she had already eaten and that you lied," I yell before Father has a chance to speak.

"How da..." Agies goes to yell but Father clears his throat. "I'm sorry I did not realize that you had plans this morning."

At least he knows his place in Father's presence.

"Agies you look like you haven't trained in a while. Why don't you go change into something you can get dirty. Since you'll be marrying my daughter you'll need to know how she works," Father says. He looks proud of himself. If I wasn't so pissed I'd laugh.

"I don't expect much from her," Agies says nearly spitting the word elleth. He gives Father a bow before leaving to go change.

"Father, can't you see what you're marrying me to? He treats everyone like they are lesser beings. I won't put up with him for the rest of my life. I will not marry him." I growl once Agies is out of earshot. Father runs a hand through his dark raven hair. He steps closer and sighs.

"You have already accepted his offer. He sold himself so well as your friend. I didn't think twice when he asked for your hand,"

What the fuck? He knows my friends.

"So you decided to show up," I glance at Agies as I lose an arrow. A dull thunk tells me I hit my target on the other side of the arena.

"Your Father commanded it. Although I see no need to watch you fail." Agies looks at his nails. Valar he's such a pansy. Can't he stash the insults for at least an hour?

"Agies let's see what you've got," Finno grins. He holds his hands up and motions for Agies to go at him.

"You should know that I'm the best in my quadrant and you will be no match for me," Agies says and attacks Finno.

Agies goes for a quick blow to the head, but Finno is faster. He catches Agies' fist and uses his right leg to trip Agies. Agies falls to the ground in a pile. I nearly burst into laughter but I manage to keep collected.

Finno offers Agies a hand up. He slaps Finno's hand away and gets up himself. Tripping over his own feet. I barely get a hand up to cover my snort.

"That was wonderful. If he's truly the best in quadrant then, his quadrant is in deep shit." I mutter to Kana. "Not to mention what quadrant? He doesn't seem like a hunter."

"Are you willing to surrender or no," Kana asks pining the so-called lord to the ground. Agies yells that he will not be defeated. He goes to move in a way that could break his own arm. Thankfully Kana sees this and moves so he doesn't.

"Just give up. You're not going to win," Kana barely blocks his attack.

Agies growls darkly and pulls out a knife. Why does he have a knife? Better yet where did he get it? We don't have time to warn Kana.

My brother cries out in pain. The knife is lodged in his side.


I run towards the duo and tackle Agies to the ground. I can barely restrain myself from punching the elf. Let alone burning him to a crisp. Agies seems to be enjoying having me sit on him. Prick!

"Get Makalaure to the healers."

Nelyo disappears with Kana and Findo.

Finno and Turvo step closer. They place a hand on either of my shoulders. They assume I'm going to lash out. I have enough control to keep everything at bay. Frankly, I don't think either of them have seen me go ballistic.

Finno mutters about the Valar giving us or him strength. Internally I thank him for it. He has more than I do at the moment.

I turn back to Agies. My eyes flare with flames. The torches around the arena raise higher. Easily reflecting my emotions. Curse him.

"Now you listen here, you bitch. If you hurt any of my other relatives I will burn you from the inside out." I glare at him.

The prick has the balls to laugh.

This bitch is digging himself a hole.

"You think you scare me?" Agies laughs. I stare into his eyes. He is terrified. Good. At least I know he has other emotions.

"Sure, we all know your all talk and no game. Good luck passing as one of Orome's hunters. Three of my brothers are and they can spot a phony in seconds." I release him and walk away. I rush straight to the healers to see how Kana is doing.

I run down corridors and turn corners as I head to the healers. When I reach the healers I'm met with a barricade. They think I can't get thought to my brother. Well, therein for a treat!

"Princess Danafinwe you can't go in there!"

Two healers grab my arms and try to force me back. I easily push them off. I then push through the doors to go find Kana. He's likely been taken to the royalty area where royalty is rushed to when injured.

Turvo and Finno grab me and take me to Finno's rooms. Inside Nelyo and Findo are there. An hour later we are told he's fine and we can see him now.

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now