The Wedding

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"Nitye," Grandpapa Mahtan holds out his arms as Nanwe and I stop our horses in the courtyard. With him is Grandmama Lirre.

"Grandpapa," I hop off my horse and launch myself into grandpapa's arms. The scent of smoke and ash fills my senses. Such a comfort.

"Who might this be?" Grandmama asks looking up at Nanwe.

He sure looks out of place. His blonde hair and all that. Many people surrounding Aule's mansions have red or varying shades of black and brown hair. Rarely are there blondes in this area. Valmar certainly but Aule's mansions? Not likely.

Nanwe looks at me with wide eyes. A deer about to be shot.

A bridge opens between our minds. Now I understand how nervous he is. He can do this. If he can dance with the heir of Feanaro surely he can introduce himself to my grandparents. It's not that dissimilar. At least in terms of anxiety.

'What do I do?'

'Get off your horse first, then introduce yourself,'

Nanwe elegantly slides off his horse. He goes to open his mouth but it seems his voice had died in his throat. Oh no. His nerves are getting to him. Dances and balls are one thing but meeting my family is a whole other ordeal. It may be too much.

Instead, he opts for a small smile and a firm nod.

'You introduce me. I fear I've lost my voice,'

'Do try to contain your blush,' If I was cruel I'd tease him but I'm not, so I am going to offer praise. Much better than being cruel.

"This is Nanwe--"

"The Nanwe?" Grandmama turns to me expectantly.

I nod in confirmation. This will be a long few days.

Grandmama smiles and turns back to Nanwe. My friend awkwardly stands by his horse waiting for something to happen. He keeps his eyes glued to the bridle. He looks like he's under oath and trying to lie.

It's only my family. It's not like he's expected to--Grandpapa.

I look up and sure enough, grandpapa is staring him down. I stomp on grandpapa's foot--hard enough for him to stop staring. He mutters, what that was for? He knows what it was for. He doesn't need a hint.

Nanwe immediately relaxes. Enough that he smiles.

"Oh, my dear you are handsome, exactly how Feanaro described you," Grandmama goes over to Nanwe and engulfs him in a hug. She then holds him at arm's length.

Nanwe grins. I knew he'd love grandmama. They are kindred spirits. Strong-willed but easily tire at large functions. Such as this one. I'm sure they will find a quiet corner to talk when they do tire of the dancing.

"Shall we change? I'm sure Curvo will want to go over the day with us,"

"Of course you know where the rooms are," Grandpapa smiles. "I'll take care of your horses."

I stand on my tippy toes to give grandpapa a kiss on the cheek. He leans down so I can. Grandmama opens her arms and I give her a quick hug and kiss. Then Nanwe and I go get changed.

Nanwe grabs my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor. Effortlessly we glide to the middle of the floor. People around us stop conversing to watch. They know I'm a beautiful dancer.

My family is about to be surprised.

Nanwe is an even better dancer than me. He was made to dance. He flows and glides over the dance floor as if he was flying. I have to pull on all my skills to keep up. It's his show, not mine. and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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