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1481 YT

Clink, clink, clink.

The room goes quiet. The family turns to Curvo. Why is he standing and holding a knife to his glass, and why does he want our attention?

By the Valar. No. Is? Are they? Stars of Varda. Father is going to freak out.

"I would like to make an announcement," Curvo states. He quickly shakes his head and looks down at Eathinel. The young couple smiles at each other. "No, we would like to make an announcement,"

Curvo looks up and addresses the table. A wide grin on his face. "Eathinel and I are expecting,"

Kana mutters, Eru.

Tyalme and Kana share a look. Kana purses his lips. He looks like he's using osanwe to have a chat with his wife. It doesn't look bad. They look nervous. Is Tyalme pregnant too?

Itisse asks if Curvo and Eathinel are positive.

I don't suppose they would announce it if they weren't positive. That's the kind of people they are.

"Quite," Eathinel places a hand on her belly. Her soon-to-be swollen belly.

"I know you've been eating a lot lately—"

Oh, dear valar. Turca, do not antagonize the pregnant female.

"Tyelkormo!" Mother scolds.

"I wasn't going to say anything, so let me be the first to congratulate the lucky couple," On Nelyo's right, Turca rests the back of his hands on the table. A sort of, don't smack me, type of position.

How exasperating. But Turca wasn't the only one who thought it odd for Eathinel to be eating so much. She has been eating a lot as of late, and being pregnant is a good reason. A really good reason. She's now eating for two.

"Father?" Curvo expectingly asks.

I tear my gaze from Eathinel to Father on my left. He looks dazed.

After asking so many times about when he's going to get a grandchild, he can't form words. Poor father.

'Father, are you okay?'

Father makes direct eye contact with me and then faints right into his dinner.

Oh, valar.

1482 YT

"It's not up to us. It's Lord Orome's decision. It's his forest," I tell the council. If we are to expand Tirion, we need the lord of the hunt's permission to use his woods. Not only expanding but the resources. Wood to frame houses. Pulp for paper and various other necessities. 

Lord Orome's forest is a grand and natural resource. I am glad Turca is a hunter. It provides perspective. Each year I take a week out of my schedule and help the hunters plant trees. Lord Orome appreciates it, and Lady Yavanna always comes up from her pastures to help. 

It's a treat to watch her grow trees. Planting trees is important. Replenishing the woods helps Tirion, Valmar and Alqualonde, and other settlements along the main road grow. It's not only for the cities and settlements we erect. It's for Lord Orome. 

The Lord of the Hunt is an important vala. Helping him is helping us. And I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Valar, it's not hard to remember the lord of the hunt. His forest backs up onto Tirion, if ever so slightly. Well, not so slightly anymore. 

"Then who do you suppose should ask the lord of the hunt?" Lord Varnion asks. Lord Varnion tends to keep to the middle until a clear side is determined as the winner. I wouldn't call him a coward, but I wouldn't say he has clear morals. 

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now