Female Cousins

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"Do you think Father wants to know?" I ask Mori from across the sunroom in mother's studio. The warm summer beams of Laurelin shine through the open windows. We have been basking in its glory for the past week. It's become a daily occurrence. Winter felt longer this year and the cold has yet to leave our bones.

The younger middle child shrugs his shoulders. I sigh. So focused on his knitting. The deep red yarn in his hands swishes as he pulls the long path into twists, loops and knots. I wonder who it's for. Oh! It could be for his friend! I've yet to meet her.


"Dana," Mori doesn't even lookup. He slouches further into the chair. Valar.

"We have a new cousin and this time it's a girl!" I can't help but be excited. I've been the only granddaughter of Finwe for the past 173 years. Yes, I have Findis and Lalwen but they are supposed to be my Aunts. And I don't see them often. Not anymore. Not since we were children. They have their own families now. Well, Findis does. Lalwen is more like me. Content to be single.

Finno laughs when I have dinner with the Nolofinweans. Nolofinwe usually remarks about me not being married. He always says I should. He'd say when you marry and are my age you will understand. When he says that I can't help but roll my eyes or snort. Then I stare at him as he realizes his mistake. And I say to him, I'm older than you Nolofinwe.


"So what? Do you think she will be like you?"

"Valar I hope not. I want someone to spoil."

"Your acting like her aunt."

"I'm older than all of our aunts and uncles. I very well can act like I am." Mori snorts. He hides his grin behind his knitting. He's hoping I don't notice. I grin. "Got you."


"Oh, I so do!"

"She so has you Moryo," Turca snickers.

Mori and I sober up. We stare at our brother standing at the door. He's filthy. His normally silver hair is dark. What did he put in it? Actually, what did he do to his clothes? They're soiled. "Push off Tyelko,"

"Make me grandma," Turca sticks his tongue out.

"Enough all of you," Mother hollers from her studio space. Oh shit. Technically we're still on lunch. She can't yell at us for taking too long. Besides we have an hour left before we have to pull our aprons back on.

Her footsteps clamber closer. Turca.

She enters the doorway and smacks Turca's head. Mother's face contorts in disgust. She pulls her hand away and wipes it on her elder middle child's back. "What is in your hair?"

"Mud. I can't bloody well let the prey know where I am,"

"And mud helps with that?"

"Yes, my silver hair is like a beacon. Rubbing mud through it darkens the colour," Mori and I share a look.

"Go bathe." Mother shoves him out of the room. She smiles waltzing in. She takes a seat beside Mori and tries to take a peek at his knitting. But he's not having any of that.

"If it makes you feel better he won't let me see either," Mother gapes. "I know. We're close but apparently not that close,"

"Don't give me that. You know it's not ready,"

"So what? I watch you make it, at least let me see how much you have," Mori purses his lips and slowly shows me part of the scarf. It's beautiful.

"It's beautiful."

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now