Mori's Crush

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"Dana. We're coming too," Finno yells.

I look behind me and sure enough, two of my cousins are galloping after me. Finno and Findo. The oldest of the three houses ride together. Too bad Nelyo couldn't come. He would have loved this.

Father needed him. Turca is off with the hunters. As are Ambarussa. Kana is modelling for mother. Another statute. One of hundreds she's done of us. Curvo is helping father and Mori is already in Alqualondë. It is my hope Mori doesn't find this an intrusion. He may with Finno. Findo, he doesn't seem to mind. He is times. Although both cousins can be a lot.

That being said we all can be.

"Keep up if you can!" I grin and pick up my speed. I'm lighter than them. Plus my horse is faster.

For miles, we ride hard.

I left late. Perhaps too late. I'm supposed to meet Malin at the east gate facing the sea before the trees mingle. The trees are mingling and we're still half a mile from the gate.

As we approach my destination Malin glares. Her foot tapping repeatedly. Impatient much? She's almost worse than Turca. And he's not patient at all. Rarely is anyone more impatient than my brother. It's a hard thing to do.

Malin waits for me to dismount before laying into me. "And another thing, we're you going to send word ahead to let me know you were going to be late?"


My friend raises an eyebrow and grins.

"Come here you bastard," She pulls me into a hug. I melt into her grasp and let my stress fall away. All my worries are in Tirion. Hours away. Varda it's been too long since we last spoke.

"I am far from a bastard Malin,"

"Your so full of it," She pushes my arm playfully.

"So are you. Miss, high and mighty can't take a few extra minutes of waiting. Varda, you're getting worse than Turca,"

"You take that back."

"Will not, cannot." I lead my horse through the gate, smiling on the way. My horse snorts at my actions. He must find drama amusing. My brothers certainly do.

Malin lets out a string of curses and follows me in. Finno and Findo follow close behind her. As we enter the city a song of beauty and harmony fills the air. Something feels amiss. Oh yes. No hammer rings. We're too far from Aule's smithy to hear him working away.

A smile brings forth a small chuckle from my chest. Peace at last. No one. Expecting anything of me. Except to remain courteous and respectful. I do have a house to represent.

On the highest tier of the city stands the tower of Olwe. Where the king and his family live. Olwe will want to see us.

"Come let us visit with King Olwe." I steer Malin and my cousins towards the tower. Where Findo's mother once lived. Where she is today. Also visiting her beloved city. Her home.

Three days later.

"So Itisse, how long have you known my brother?" I ask the curly-haired female. She's shorter than Malin. If only by an inch or so. Long eyelashes. Bright grey eyes. Curly brown hair. Similar to her sister. The only difference is her fuller bust and decadent jewels adorning her hair and neck.

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