The Day After

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"Wake up!" A familiar voice shakes my shoulder.

I groan and roll over. I have the day off. I want to make the most of doing nothing.

"Times up. Breakfast is on its way." Kana says. He snatches my pillow and hits me with it. Several times.

"Ah! Okay, I'm up,"

I grab the cup of water on my side table and splash him. Kana shrieks wiping his face.

"Quit complaining and go sit in the bathroom and I'll get dressed." I push him towards the bathroom. Once he closes the door I walk over to my wardrobes and open the doors.

I take out a pale blue tunic, a billowy sleeved blue tunic, dark brown pants and boots. I pull everything on in record time. A reminder has me rummaging around the wardrobe full of dresses. I pull out a pale pink evening dress and toss that over my shoulder.

I fiddle with my ring on my left ring finger. The eight-pointed engraved star shimmers in the Laurelin's light. It's a prized possession. Father made it. He gifted it to me on my 120th.

Nelyo, Kana, Turca and I are the only ones who have them. Mori is 31 years from getting his. He'll be 120.

"Are you done yet?" Kana asks. I open the door harshly. Bless his soul he jumped. I skirt around him and grab my brush.

"Breakfast's here," I walk out with Kana on my heels. A knock comes from the door. "Come in, Jani!"

Jani is my personal maid. That is when I stay in Grandfather's castle. She brings me and Kana breakfast each time we stay the night. We thank her and I tell her to wait. I grab the pretty dress I put on my bed and walk over to her.

"I didn't see you last night. I thought I told you to go this year?" I hand her the dress. Its colour nicely complements her skin.

She rubs her fingers along the pink material.
"I didn't think I had a nice enough dress,"

"Well now you do and I want to see you there next year. No buts,"

"Ok," Jani smiles at Kana and me, before leavening.

Kana takes a piece of apple from the tray. He lounges on my bed. I join him and begin eating. "I don't think I've seen a happier female,"

"She's the same age as you and works hard. She deserves this."

Kana mutters about the water on his shirt. It'll dry. He grabs the empty tray. I thank him and open the door. Kana shakes his head and follows me out.

As I exit I bump into someone. I mutter a sorry and take a step back. Agies.

Fuck. Why is he here?

"Excuse me." I try to walk around, but he catches my arm. He doesn't look pleased. What is his problem?

"We are to dine with your Father. Why is he in your rooms?" Agies asks.

"My name is Kanafinwe," Kana's tone is an indication he doesn't like me being handled this way. "Her brother."

"Kana joins me for breakfast every time we stay in the castle. Food is delivered to my room. Kana came accordingly. I've already eaten." I try to wrench my arm out of his grasp. To no avail. Kana glares at Agies.

'I'll be fine. Deliver the tray to the kitchens.'

'He best not hurt you.'

'I'll be fine.' I repeat.

Agies and I watch Kana disappear down the hall. Agies waits until Kana is out of range to growl he hopes I'm still hungry.

He begins dragging me to the dining hall. I keep trying to get his grip off of my arm. "I swear to the Varda. If you don't let me go I will burn your hand."

"Will you bolt?" Agies asks stopping to look me in the eyes. I shake my head. My answer is useless. He doesn't trust me.

"Lies, lies are coming from your mouth little one," Agies says trudging on his grip firmer than before.

What the absolute fuck? I'm older than him. Fuck it. He can't treat me this way.

I swing my leg up and using that momentum I climb on top of him. I swing myself backward. He falls back and releases my arm as he crashes into the floor.

He never saw it coming. I sprint back to my room. Inside I look around for my bow and quiver. They sit on a chair near the balcony. Dashing over to them I quickly pull them on. I take a few seconds to ready my fingers. On the balcony, I climb down.

When my feet touch the ground I race through the streets to the arena. I hope to find my cousins there. It may not be the best idea to go straight there. Agies may catch on and beat me there. I should find a tree and climb it.

I look around for Findo's mind. When I find it he seems content. I'd rather be him instead of me at this moment. Not that I mind trees. 'Findo, where are you?'

'Turvo and I are on our way to the arena. I heard you are dining with Feanaro.'

'I'm not there. I'm in a tree.' I slowly begin making my way down the tree.

"Your what!"

My foot misses the next branch. I tumble the rest of the way down. My back kills as I hit the ground. I was not expecting him to be that close.

I lay here for Varda knows how long. When I look up Findo and Turvo are running towards me. Both look worried. Mother hens. I wasn't that high up.

"Did you have to yell?"

They help me stand and wipe my pants off.

"Sorry," Turgon says brushing a few strands of hair out of his eyesight.

"You didn't have to yell."

"How about we go warm-up?" I ask. I begin walking for the arena. Turvo, ever the stickler for rules begins berating me for brushing Father off. Findo chuckles as I ignore Turvo like he's one of my brothers.

At the arena, we begin warming up. I reach into my quiver and pull out an arrow. I stick it in the ground. Right in front of the main entrance. Hopefully, one of my relatives will be stupid enough to pick it up. I'm in the mood to laugh. After being elf handled I need it.

"Dana, what are you planing?" Findo asks.

"At least one of them will want to pick it up and when they do, I'll drop a bucket of water on their heads," I say hoisting myself into the seats of the arena. I could have used the stairs but I don't want to.

The vat for drinking sits where we always leave it. Beside the vat is a bucket. I dunk the bucket in at pull it out. A few drops of waterfall out. That's to be expected. I'm not tall and the vat is nearly three-quarters of my size.

I hold the bucket over the entrance and wait. It doesn't take long for Kana to fall prey.

Nelyo tries to warn our brother. But his call falls upon deaf ears. Ha, a hard-of-hearing minstrel. Classic. At least he isn't tone-deaf like Turvo and Turca. The water crashes on their heads and soaks them. Head to boot.

"Twice in one day." Kana sighs. "You're worse than Ambraussa."

"They learned from the best,"

Kana, Nelyo and Finno are soaking wet. I grin. Do I feel better? Yes. But do I feel guilty for not seeing Father? Yes.

"Are you three ready?"

"Aren't you suppose to be with Father and Agies?" Nelyo asks shaking his hair out.

"I've already eaten." I mosey my way down.

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now