The City

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Two Waxings Later

"Glad you made it Dana,"

"I was hardly gone four hours," I slump onto the couch next to Nelyo. He moves ever so slightly so I'm leaning against his shoulder.

"What did you learn this time?" Kana asks, pulling out his harp. An airy melody falls from his fingers. It quickly falls into the background. 

"The last lesson was about separating light from flame this time it was shields and control." Varda always has me working on control. I remember a time when all I was allowed to do was breathe. Varda had me sit on the ground and breathe. She had several candles surrounding me. With each breath, the flames grew and shrunk.

I wave at the urn of wine. "Pass me a cup would you?"

Turca leans over and pours a cup of wine. Huan perks up thinking his master is going out. Ever the adventurous pair. The cup is passed from Turca to Finno to Nelyo and finally to my awaiting hands. The dark liquid swirls magically in the brass cup.


"Ugh, I just sat down," All eyes turn to me. Great now they all want a story. "...fine."

I search around for my book but I didn't bring it with me to Taniquetil. Of course, I didn't. All well I know it by heart anyway.

"I wrote this one when we arrived in Valmar. After the dawn of days a cook under the king of Elvmire, he's forced out of the kitchens to take on a larger role. He became the general of the king. Through the passing days, the King and the general learned of a conspiracy concerning the king's assassination. Years after the passing conspiracy the rumours become truth..." For an hour I hold my siblings and cousins enthralled in my latest novel.

A few times I stop to drink some wine. Other times one of them spouts out a concern or theory. None of them are right. How could they? No one has heard the full length. Not even Turca and Findo who were with me when I wrote it.

"The end."

Their mouths lay gapping at me. Findo lurches forward. "What it can't end like that!"

"It can and will." I get up from leaning on Nelyo and glide over to the table beside Turca. I firmly grasp the urn full of wine. The dark colour fills my glass.

"No!" Findo whines. "Dana."

"Leave it be. Perhaps there will be a sequel." I smile to myself. Perhaps there will be. I'm not sure yet.

"Kana why don't you play something new." My brother glowers. It seems he didn't realize I saw him working on a new piece. "I know you have one. You were scribbling earlier."

Kana smirks. Oh, a new thought. His fingers glide up and down his harp's strings with brilliant accuracy. "I don't suppose you have any embarrassing stories of Nolofinwe and Arafinwe?"

"I have many," Too many. Perks of growing up with your Uncle. "where should I start?"


"Oh, I know. There was this time when Nolofinwe was holding well you Finno. You were very young. Close to 11 months." Finno gawks that I'd tell a story involving him. Nelyo and Kana were young. They may not remember. "Nolofinwe and Arafinwe were standing on the back porch of Nolofinwe's manor. For some reason, they were barefoot. Nelyo, Kana and I were there for diner. Nolofinwe noticed we were in the area and invited us."

"When we got there Nolofinwe handed me Finno and went to grab his boots. Nelyo you were so intrigued by Finno. All you wanted to do was poke his chubby cheeks. Anyways before Nolofinwe went to get his boots no one noticed Kana sneaking into the manor with a snake. A harmless one."

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now