Curufinwe and Eathinel

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"No not that one, the one beside it," Curvo? I was under the impression that he was with Aule today? Why is he at the family smithy? He should be at Aule's mansions. And who is he talking to?

"Come on it's not that hard to put on an apron," Who the hell is Curvo talking to? Father is in Tirion with Mother...father knows how to put on an apron. So who the hell is in the smithy?

"Let me help—" A large bang comes from the smithy. "Shit!"

What the hell just happened?

I pick up my pace to make it to the smithy faster. If Curvo blew up my project I will smack him into next week. Hell, I may smack him anyways. The smithy was supposed to be empty today.

Aside from me.

I step into the main room expecting to see Curvo but he's not in sight. Eathinel is here. Oh. Now, this is a turn of events. Perhaps Curvo invited her.

"Who in Varda's stars invited you? I thought Curvo disliked you?"

Eathinel jumps.

She looks up from fiddling with the straps of my apron. She changed its length. Screw smacking Curvo, I am going to stick Curvo with a hot poker.

"Is that my apron?"

"Eathinel I found—" Curvo jumps. He looks from Eathinel to me and back to Eathinel. My brother has the audacity to look shocked. "Dana, what are you doing here?"

"Working on my project," Curvo purses his lips. It seems he thought he'd be the only one here today. Too bad. "It's the last one I'll submit to the guild,"


"Father knew I'd never stay forever. You knew it, mother knew it, Varda even Grandfather knew I'd never stay," I turn to Eathinel and tell her I'll take my apron. After all, it is mine.

Eathinel loosens the straps and holds out the apron. As soon as I go to take it she pulls back. This female is testing me. Grandpapa Mahtan made that for me. It's special.

No one but me can wear it.

"Not until you explain why you're leaving the guild," Eathinel dares to act like leaving the guild is a crime. Well, it's not. Killing a fellow elf is.

"I do not have to explain myself and my reasons are my own,"

Eathinel opens her mouth but I snatch my apron from her grasp. The apron goes on and I begin stroking the flames in the glory hole.

It's hot, too hot for any regular noldo to withstand. I, on the other hand, not a problem. Glad to be blessed with fire. Hopefully, it will fend off my opinionated companions.

"One more year," Curvo states.

I turn my head to look at my brother. "What?"

"One more year at the guild," Curvo tries to persuade. "go out with a bang,"

His words don't mean much. I heard it all last year from Father. He too tried to persuade me to stay. I don't think so.

"I told that to father last year,"

"And he agreed?" Curvo you don't have to act so surprised.

"He has no say in the matter. I'm also a part of the sculptors guild and writers guild not to mention working with grandfather. It was the metalworkers guild or my free time,"

"You chose free time,"

"I want to visit my friends more, you know those people you like to chat and go places with," And wanting that is not a crime.

Danafinwe Feaelenion Feanorian (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now