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It was officially decided yesterday that Kai and I would go to the packs land in Uvalde for my transition.

We were planning on leaving later this evening, so I was packing a bag with enough clothes to last a few days.

After my transition, Damien wanted Kai and I to drive to the property in Rocksprings to start the basics of combat training before coming back to train with Alyssa.

There was a lot happening in a span of two weeks, and I was less than excited for it.

As I was packing I could hear the rising voices of my parents in their bedroom across the hall. Ever since the gallery he's been suspicious. As I suspected, my mom gave him a bullshit story.

She had told him she changed her name when she left her ex, and the woman we saw was a old friend that helped her escape. It wasn't a full lie, only the extremity of the situation was a lie.

My dad didn't know that my moms ex was harassing us, and that I had met with him recently. It bothered the hell out of me how many secrets we've been keeping from my dad. I've never felt so disconnected with him.

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud door slam, followed by another.

I set the clothes I had in my hand down and carefully opened my bedroom door to see Jr. poking his head out of his bedroom door too, and going for my parents open one.

I heard a soft sob from my mothers bedroom as he took his first step towards the room. This can't be good.

"Mama?" Jr. says as he slowly makes his way around his door heading straight for my moms.

"Jr. wait there." I say as I step out of my room and cross the hall to block him from leaving his room.

"What's wrong with mama why did Papi slam the door?" He asks with tears brimming his eyes.

"Nothing baby, mami's fine. I'm sure dad didn't mean to" I say with a reassuring smile and wiping the few tears that fell.

"I heard them yelling" he says sadly.

"I'm gonna go talk to her wait here okay?" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek and ushering him back into his room.

I hated these thin walls. Across the hall I couldn't hear all the yelling, but since Jr.'s room was right next to theirs I have no doubt he heard everything.

Once I close the door to his bedroom I hesitantly walk to my parents still open door.

The sight before me makes me relieved that Jr. didn't walk in here before I could.

My mom sits on the ground with her back against the bed. Her head is buried between her knees, and I can hear her soft choking sobs.

I don't say anything when I enter the room. I walk in slowly and shut the door behind me, and silently make my way to her shaking figure.

I take a seat beside her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She sits up and looks me in the eyes, and places a hand on my cheek. I lean into her touch and rest my hand on top of hers.

She continues to look into my eyes, and I can feel a sense of insecurity overcome me. I know she's thinking about Ezekiel when she looks at me. Her eyes alone tell me. They're sad, and dark. My mother has never looked at me this way before and it breaks my heart. I close my eyes, but keep my hand placed on top of hers.

"Of all the things you got from him. I'm happy it was just your eyes." She says as she strokes my cheek with her thumb.

I open my eyes again and look at her, and her eyes have changed back to their usual loving warm brown.

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