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There was something about today that felt oddly calm. It was like we were at a weird standstill. We were in between the meeting with Ezekiel, and Phoebe now knowing the entire truth. It's like today is one day where our issues were taken care of, but not really over. The calm before the storm as they say.

Elise had already made arrangements for me to meet with Ezekiel. I'd be meeting him at a bar near their house so that way he wouldn't think it was weird if he could sense their presence, and they could be close to me if anything happened. I could tell Kai was still upset about the whole situation, but he was doing his best to be supportive.

I was still in hopes that today would go well. This evening was my gallery, and I had anxiety about the last time I was there and Arturo followed me. I hoped him and Ezekiel could spare me one day and leave us all the hell alone.

I was in the middle of loading up my car with all the pieces I planned to show, when my dad walked outside.

"Hi mija can I talk to you about something?" He says helping me adjust one of my larger pieces in the back seat.

"Sure papi what's up?" I say with a smile.

I feel like the whole first part of this summer I've barley spent any time with my dad.

"Your mother told me she had to talk to you about your birth father."

Well I wasn't expecting that.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner mija" he says sadly.

"No papi it's okay-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"No I need to say this." He says leaning against my car.

"When your mother and I were officially together she considered keeping you aware that I was not your birth father. But I had been spending so much time with the both of you, and I loved the both of you so much. I didn't want you to see me as just your moms boyfriend or eventually a step father, I wanted you to see me as your real father." He starts. "I was the one who suggested we not tell you the truth, that we'd just go on telling you I was your real father."

I was really really not expecting that.

"I knew her past was tough, and I knew your birth father must've been a dangerous man for her to run the way she did. So I thought it was best that we just give you and her a whole fresh start, luckily she agreed." He says with a sad smile.

"I never meant to lie to you mija, I just didn't want you to reject me for not being your real father."

"You are my real father dad" I say with tears beginning to form in my eyes. "You raised me, you love me, you take care of me. Blood means nothing" I say and reach my hand out for his.

He smiles at me wide with tears in his eyes and takes my hand.

"I love you mija" he says.

"I love you too papi" I say, and he pulls me into a tight hug.

I never actually expected to have this conversation with my dad. I knew he didn't know about our wolf side so the whole situation has to be handled carefully, but I feel like my dad deserves to know the truth.

I wanted nothing more than to tell him, but again none of it was really my story to tell. I was only a baby, my mother made those decisions and she needs to be the one to talk to him about it. I wondered if I would even be able to convince her. When we first talked about it she seemed so scared to tell him the truth.

"Well you better get ready for your gallery this evening, we're all excited to go" he says with a wide smile.

"Thanks dad, I can't wait for y'all to see everything" I say and nod at the pieces in my car.

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