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After dinner a man dressed in a white tuxedo took the stage and asked for all pack leadership to meet across the hall in a separate room.

Kai explained that was the actual meeting.

"What does he mean by pack leadership?" I ask when various men and women stand to their feet and walk out of the room, including Kai's parents.

"You guys don't have Alphas and Lunas?" I ask.

He smiles at me like I'm a confused child. "This is how I know you lied about not reading wolf stories online" he says. It's true, I did lie. The other night when I was on the phone with him I was right in the middle of reading one, and when he asked me what I was doing I jokingly said research.

"I may have skimmed some" I blush and he laughs.

"We used to centuries ago, but as you know Americans didn't like people different from them so when they found our packs and found out what we were they waged war" he says in a low tone like he's trying not to be heard. "Sorry, it's a touchy subject, I don't want the wrong ears to hear it" he says looking around.

"So do they not know you guys exist?" I ask

He shook his head "as far as I know they think we're extinct, but many of us spread out all around the world and went into hiding, hence all the small packs. Packs used to be a lot bigger than what they are now, but we all live normal human lives. We do keep track of each other which is what most of these meetings are about. We take care of our own, so if a family in a pack is having money troubles or any other sort of human life issues we back each other up."

"What about the staff here? Aren't they human?" I ask.

"Everyone in this building is a wolf." He states. "Since we all keep track of each other, we only hire specific business to be staff to these, that's why my parents planned this event. Most events we plan are for wolf packs because we have record of a lot of venue owners, restaurants, DJ's" he chuckles at the end. "We know most of the wolf ran businesses in Texas."

My jaw almost drops to the floor, that's a lot of fucking wolves.

"So what determines pack leadership?" I ask.

"Well as you saw my parents are a part of it, it all depends on family. When alphas and lunas were a thing they were the pack leaders, so we determine pack leadership by who has alpha blood. Both my parents have alpha blood, so that makes my parents leadership, me Tyler and the twins will be a part of leadership as well at some point."

"How come you're not right now?" I ask confused.

"They don't bring us in till we're mated. We believe our wolves are stronger when we have our mate, but you and I aren't fully mated yet so we won't be part of the meetings till we do" he states.

"I'm sorry..." I say feeling bad again about the fact that I'm just a half breed.

He quickly grabs my hands. "Don't be sorry there's nothing to be sorry for" he says giving me a reassuring smile and a light kiss on the lips.

"If we were apart of leadership we couldn't be having fun right now anyway, I've eavesdropped on those meetings they're boring" he jokes.

I laugh and shake my head, he can be such a child.

"So how many people are leaders in packs?" I ask.

He shrugs. "It really just depends on the pack, like for our pack we have a total of 8, but smaller packs the lowest they have is 4."

"And what about the largest?"

"Well the pack thats rooted in Colorado, they have 12 members"

I widen my eyes. "That's a lot" I say.

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