7 years later

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"Anna Marie Salinas Micheals! Stop pulling your Tia's hair!" I call from the steps of our back porch.

"Yes mami!" She says in between giggles as Phoebe tickles her.

Anna gets away from her grasp and runs to my side, slamming her body into my growing belly.

I make an oof sound at the impact. I think I almost pissed myself.

"When is Tia Jess and Tia Jane getting here!" She whines as she tugs on my sundress.

"When you stop being mean to your other Tia." Anna smiles at my response, earning me a glimpse of her very familiar and very adorable single dimple on her right cheek.

"Kai is going to kill me if he sees you wobbling around like that." Phoebe points out as she makes her way towards us and picks up Anna and resting her on her hip.

I roll my eyes and wobble back inside to finish up the birthday cake.

Anna was turning 5 today, and our family would be here any moment.

"Hey gorgeous"

I turn around and smile at my grinning husband.

"I got a surprise for you." He says with a wide smile.

Before I respond Jess and Jane jump out from behind him and scream and scares the ever loving fuck out of me.

"Jess! Jane!" I screech as they immediately run to my arms.

"You almost made me pee you assholes" I mutter as they each hug me tighter.

"My bad." Jess chuckles.

"Jesus Lilith you're huge!" Jane says as she rests her hands on my ginormous belly.

"Well they are full breed twins." I mutter

Jess looks up at me with wide shining eyes. "That entire concept is so weird." She chuckles.

"Now where's the birthday girl?" Jane asks with a smile.

I nod my head towards the back door. "Outside terrorizing Phoebe."

"Great! My turn!" She squeals as she makes her way to the back door. "Come on baby" Jane says taking Jess hand in hers and dragging her outside.

Jane and Jess had started dating about 2 years ago. When Jess and I reconnected she came and stayed with Kai and I for a weekend and of course she caught Janes attention. The two were friends for a long time being that Jane had just ended her previous relationship, but 2 years ago Jane finally got the courage to finally ask her out. They maintained a long distance relationship for a year until finally Jess moved to Houston.

Kai was still standing in the doorway, but walks to me and rests his hands on my belly and his forehead on mine.

"And how are my girls this afternoon?" He asks with a small smile.

"Oh the usual. Taking turns using my bladder as a trampoline." I joke.

Kai smiles and places a kiss on my forehead.

"You were supposed to be resting." He says walking over to the cake I was still frosting and continuing the job.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I say as I wave him off and take a seat at our kitchen table, but I'm once again stunned at the sudden arrival of both mine and Kai's parents bursting through the front door.

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