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I woke up this morning again with a sore throat and covered in my own sweat. These dreams were starting to get out of hand, and I could tell Phoebe was starting to worry, being that she was the one who ran to my side each night to coax me back to sleep.

I offered for me to just sleep on the couch but she said it was fine.

I was supposed to go over to Kai's today for dinner, and I was nervous. I intended on asking him about what his brother meant by the word mate, and why everyone got weird after he said it.

I was mentally preparing myself for more weird behavior and more unanswered questions, but I had already decided I would push till I got what I wanted.

Kai told me he wanted to cook for me, so it would just be us for the evening. After the events that occurred last time I was at his place I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about that happening again.

I didn't regret the intimate moment we had, in fact I loved it, but as much as he tells me not to be insecure about my body, my brain wouldn't listen.

I don't mean to be this way, I just can't help it. It's like my mind instantly puts itself down before I can fully process the things I say or feel about myself.

Aside from being nervous I was also excited just to be in his presence. I thought a lot about what Abuelita said about how mate relationships move quick, and I couldn't help but feel a connection with her story and Kai. The only thing putting me off about me possibly having a mate or being a wolf, was that Kai seemed so calm with me. He doesn't act like he needed me the way Abuelita described mates do, and I didn't get to finish hearing what marking or mating went, but I'm pretty sure Kai had done neither of those things.

I was getting dressed to head to Kai's when I heard a knock on the door.

"It's me" my mother says

I tell her to come in while adjusting the shirt I had just put on. Kai had told me since it was just us eating dinner we didn't have to dress up or anything, but I still wanted to look somewhat nice.

"You about to head to Kai's?" She asks when she steps in the room.

"Yeah" I say hoisting up my tight black jeans. Fucking thunder thighs.

"Be careful with him mija"

I didn't understand this dynamic. My mother used to be okay with Kai, and my grandmother didn't like him. Now it's the total opposite. Abuelita was always asking how Kai and I were doing and now my mother was weird about me spending time with him.

"Always am mom"  I say trying to hide my annoyance as I slip on a pair of shoes.

I could tell she had more to say, but instead of talking she sighed and walked out of the room.

I hated that she wouldn't talk to me, and normally I would press but I wasn't in the mood for it right now. I was already walking into another situation with the same kind of answers. I'd get what I needed out of her soon.

After saying my goodbyes to everyone I headed out to Kai's place, he had given me a gate code and precise instructions on how to get to his apartment since I had been making jokes about getting lost last time.

I parked in the visitors parking that wasn't far from his apartment and made it to his front door. I tried to compose myself before walking in, but he opened the door right as I was about to knock.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask letting my hand fall at my side.

"Just a lucky guess" he says with a grin and pulls me inside giving me a soft kiss.

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