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The ride home was quiet.

The girls sat in the back now on their phones with headphones in their ears, and Elise drove in silence.

As I suspected Kai's senses were everywhere. When I finally checked my phone I had messages from him asking what was going on. All I did was say we'd talk about it when he got back, but that I was okay.

I can't even focus on one thing to fixate on. My mind was swirling and I so badly wanted to jump out the car and take off running before my anxiety really got the best of me.

What am I going to do? I'm barely going to turn 22. I just got my degree and my dream job. I still live at home and don't have much money to my own name, and what about Kai? Would he even stay? Yeah we're mates but if he's not ready for a baby I can't force him to stay with me. I could consider abortion but I can't even decide if that was something I wanted, and if it was would Kai be okay with it? What if I wanted to abort and he didn't? Would he stay then too? My mind kept pushing bad thoughts and bad scenarios in my head and it was starting to turn my stomach again.

My thoughts came to a stop when I heard two car door slams.

We were already back at the Micheals house and parked in the driveway. The girls hopped out and ran into the house, but Elise stayed next to me in the drivers side.

"Kai wouldn't leave you." She says after a few seconds of silence.

I turn my head to face her and give her a curious look. She knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Mother's intuition." She says with a soft smile.

I scoff and turn my head to face the windshield again.

"I might need to borrow some of that now." I remark earning a small chuckle from Elise.

"Regardless of your decision he won't leave you." She says.

"How do you know that?" I ask as I still stare blankly out the windshield.

"Because I raised him." She says lightly.

I look over at her and take in her face. Once again her face was confident, she knew it would be okay and it helped my nerves.

"If you decide you're not ready or if you decide you are, he will support you. I know my son." She adds.

I give her a small smile and nod.

"I don't even know what to do yet."

"That's okay. You've got some time."

"Do I really?" I interject.

Elise shrugs. "Not much, but some." She says.

I only nod again before turning away once more.

"Come on, the guys will be home soon." She says patting my knee and opening her car door.


She stops her movement, her door open but half of her body still in the car as she turns back to me.

"Can this stay between us for now? At least until I talk to Kai..."

Her face softens into a small smile.

"Of course"

She gives me another reassuring smile and I nod a thank you.

We both exit the car and walk into the house. The first thing I notice when I walk into the living room is Tyler sitting on the couch. Well... slouching on the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask as I approach him and plop down on the spot next to him.

He glances at me and sighs.

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