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I was running through the woods again. Only this time I came across a small stream of water that was being lit up by the full moon above.

I walked slow towards the water and looked down. What I saw was utterly terrifying. I met the reflection of a reddish brown wolf with glowing gold eyes. I backed away from the stream and let out a scream, but it came out as a howl.

I turned my head downward and saw two huge paws. What the hell is this what's going on!?

My panic stops when I hear something snap behind me. I quickly turn around and come face to face with the same silver grey wolf with bright blue eyes. When I met his eyes I didn't feel afraid. He didn't move, only look right into my eyes. I felt oddly safe in its presence. Another snap was heard and this time we both looked to the noise. From the dark another wolf appeared, but this one was black, and his eyes were golden just like the wolf I saw in the reflection, and this one did not make me feel safe. When he got closer he took a stance like he was ready to jump any moment. The silver and grey wolf jumps in front of me just in time as the black wolf pounces. I let out a blood curdling scream which came out as a whimper in this wolf form. The two wolves continued to fight and I slowly backed away and took off into a sprint through the woods again, but woke up at the sound of someone yelling my name.

"Lilith wake up!"

My body jolts awake and I sit up feeling my breathing heavy, and my heart racing. My throat was sore as if I had been yelling and I was sweating.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Lil you just screamed bloody fucking murder" she whisper screams.

I look to my right at my sisters bed across the room. She was half asleep but looked worried.

"I'm fine it was just a dream" I say and lay back down.

"I'm going back to bed" she says with a sleepy voice and flops back down on her pillow.

I wipe my sweaty forehead and feel the collar of my T-shirt which is soaking wet from my sweat.

I check the time on my phone, 5am. May as well get up and shower, I know my grandmother would be up in a few minutes.

After picking my clothes I thought about what to wear to dinner with Kai tonight. The thought alone gave me weird jitters in my stomach. I was excited yet nervous as hell.

In the shower I tried to think of the dream I was having but only remember snippets now that I'm awake. I remember seeing the silver and grey wolf again. But other than that I can't remember a thing.

After my shower I went to the kitchen to see if abuelita was awake already. Sure enough she was in the kitchen starting a pot of coffee and pulling out items for breakfast. When she saw me she looked at me shocked.

"I didn't expect any of you to be up till 10" she says with a small laugh.

"Eh I don't sleep much anymore." I say taking a seat at the table.

"Want some coffee? I was going to make myself some chorizo and egg tacos, I can make you some too if you like?"

My abuelita loved cooking, she was the one who taught my mom her famous enchilada recipe. Both my mother and grandmother were fabulous cooks, I was still learning but I knew a lot of my grandma's recipes. She taught me a lot about cooking growing up.

"Yes please" I say with a cheeky smile.

She hands me a cup of coffee and I load it up with creamer and sugar.

"You may as well drink a cup of sugar" she says watching me with humorous eyes.

"And you may as well drink a cup of tar" I say making a joke about her unsweetened straight black coffee.

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