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I didn't scream. Well, I couldn't. I was too shocked at the sight in front of me.

Kai stood on all fours of his large wolf form. He had to be 8 feet in height. Werewolves are definitely not as big as a regular wolf.

He makes his way towards me slowly, and I feel frozen to the ground.

When he reaches me he lays himself down so we are now eye to eye.

"You have a big ass head" I say with a nervous laugh.

He huffs at my respond and nudges his nose against the side of my face.

I carefully raise my hand a stroke the side of his head and he leans into my touch.

I let my hand run down the side of his face, then I walk around his body still keeping my hand on him trailing to the side of his body. He stayed perfectly still as I roamed around his form.

When I made my way back to face him he stood up and backed away again.

He began to adjust himself and I could see the beginnings of him transitioning back.

I quickly turned around giving him some privacy knowing he'd be completely naked once he turned back.

"You know I don't mind if you see me naked" I hear a voice say from close behind me.

I turn around and see Kai standing behind me now wearing his boxers but his pants and shirt still remain on the ground.

"How am I a half breed?" Is all I'm able to say.

He sighs. "I don't know, it could be from either side of your family" he states grabbing his clothes off the ground and fully dressing.

"Can't you tell who is a wolf or not? You've met both my parents?" I ask.

"We can tell if they're a wolf if they're full breed, with half breeds the only way to tell if they have already been marked and mated." Kai says taking a seat on the grass.

I join him but sit across from him.

"What does that mean?" I remember Abuelita mentioning those words to me.

"Marked is when I would basically bite you..." he trails off. "That spot on your neck that always manages to turn you on" he says with a flirty smirk.

I blush at his words. Cant somethings remain known but unsaid?

"That's where your mark would be, when my canines pierce you it merges us together more. I can feel the things you feel physically and emotionally, I can find you pretty much anywhere just by your scent, and mating is when we have sex for the first time. That's when we become fully mated. You would be able to turn as well whenever you wanted."

There was so much information, and so many questions behind each piece of the puzzle he gave me.

"So I can't turn till you mark me and mate with me?" I ask uncomfortably.

"Well you can, but only on a full moon... the night we saw each other at the restaurant you turned" he says carefully.

"I turned? When? How?" I started to feel my heart rate pick up and my breathing quicken.

"Lilith I'm gonna tell you everything I promise but I need you to try and calm down first" he says then scooting over to sit next to me.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me in close, and I start to relax from his embrace.

"Okay" I say slowly.

"The night we saw each other at the restaurant I knew you were my mate, but I knew you were a half breed" he starts. "I knew the stories of half breeds and I knew that night was a full moon, and that you would be shifting since we had been near each other. You disappeared for a second and I went all around the restaurant to find you, and when I walked outside I heard you scream. I found you in the alley and you were in transition."

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