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I slept for the remainder of the afternoon. I urged Kai to rest with me since he'd be up too, but he said he wasn't tired. I didn't really believe him but I didn't push.

When Kai woke me up it was about 11pm. The moon was up and once it reached its highest point in an hour I would be in transition.

The closer the time got the more nervous I felt. I remember the pain I felt the first time and I was afraid to feel it again.

As time ticked closer I could feel my fever setting in. Kai and I sat outside of the cabin on lawn chairs waiting.

"Are you okay?" He asks suddenly.

"I feel it" I say lowly as a small pain in my stomach begins.

This is exactly how it felt the first time. Like I was sick and coming down with something.

"Just take slow deep breaths." Kai says as he stands from his seat and crouches in front of mine.

"I'm right here" he says cradling my face in his hands and pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I give him the best reassuring smile and nod, and he stands to his feet, but he's soon back down to my level when I let out a painful yelp when I feel the piercing pain in my back.

It spreads all over my body just like last time until I'm barley able to focus on anything but the pain. I hear Kai repeatedly telling me to try and breathe and that it was gonna be okay and it would be over soon.

I could feel this intense worry and anxiety somewhere inside of me, and I know it was from Kai.

I'm only able to get one last look at his now glowing blue eyes before I black out.

The night came in flashes. I felt as if I was sitting in the back of my mind while something else took control. I couldn't always focus on the physical feelings. But every now and then flashes of me wizzing by the brush and the faint feeling of my feet hitting the ground hard. Sometimes I could hear my rapid breathing as if I was running, and sometimes there was nothing.

The piece I cherish most was the view of a white and silver wolf sitting by the edge of the river looking up at the moon. It was an image that could only be described as majestic. Something no one would ever see in a photo unless it was edited or a painting.

Occasionally I could hear Kai in my head. He was communicating with me but it wasn't me responding, something else in me responded for me.

I hoped when I woke up the next day I'd remember at least some of this night.


When I got up the next morning I was completely naked, and in bed alone. Kai was nowhere in sight, but I did hear something rustling around in he kitchen a few moments ago.

I wanted to get up and ask about last night, but I'm still confused as to why the hell I'm not wearing any clothes. I started to panic. Did Kai and I have sex last night?

I jump when I hear the door to the bedroom creak open. In the doorway stood Kai...fully clothed I might add.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately.

"I uh-"

Kai steps further into the room and walks towards the bed and sits beside me.

"Why am I naked?" I ask nervously.

Kai's face immediately blushes and he chuckles nervously.

"Did we-"

"No no we didn't" he says with a nervous laugh.

"You tried to though" he says trailing off. He looks like he can't decide if he should laugh or be serious. He can't tell what I'm feeling because I don't even know.

"Are you telling me I tried to seduce you?" I say with nervous laugh.

Kai smirks. And that's enough confirmation for me.

"Wow okay uh" I start but I don't know where to go from here.

"It was cute actually." Kai says scooting closer to me.


Kai laughs and shakes his head. "Not in a bad way, it's just that you wouldn't put clothes on."

"Oh Jesus okay let's not" I say standing to my feet and quickly grabbing the first shirt and shorts I find. Interestingly these were already neatly folded by the bed. I guess these are the clothes I refused to put on.

"Nothing happened though. I wanted you to know that." He says as I'm putting the shorts on.

"I wouldn't do that, I know you wouldn't remember much and it's not exactly like you were yourself."

Once I fix my shirt I turn to face him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" I ask and sit back on the bed and face him.

"Well you weren't yourself, your wolf side was more in control."

"So it's like a real wolf..."

"Not exactly" he says. He makes a face like he's trying to think of a way to explain it. "It's like a conscious. Your wolf side is you, it's who you are. Just more primal I guess." He says with a nervous laugh. "I hope that makes sense." He adds as he peers into my eyes hoping they'll tell him the answer.

"Yeah it kind of does." I say nodding.

"She just lies dormant most of the time, until you're around me."

"So even right now?" I don't feel a damn thing.

"Yes" he says confidently.

"Well am I supposed to feel uh- her? Because I don't feel any different." I say nervously

Kai scoots closer to me and caresses my cheek, and I feel a wave of chills on my arms. He leans in close to where our lips were almost touching. "Why do you think you fell for me so quick?" He says lowly. "Why do you think you were so okay with how fast we were moving." He adds.

Holy shit.

"That little voice in the back of your head telling you to give in every time I touch you. That's her" he whispers low and places a soft kiss to my jaw and neck.

"I guess you could say your inner animal just really wants to sleep with me" he says looking back up at me with a cheeky grin.

"Kai!" I exclaim and grab the pillow behind me and whack him on the head.

He laughs as he grabs me by my waist and flips me over and onto my back.

"Get off dog" I yell as I shove at his chest, but Kai is obviously stronger and is able to pin my hands above my head.

"You did not just call me a dog" he says chuckling.

"I did. Dog" I say emphasizing the word.

"Fine. You asked for it." He says right before releasing my arms and grabbing at my sides and starts tickling me. I fought against him but it was hard to do since I was laughing so hard. He finally stops tickling me after all my begging. He leans down and places a kiss to my cheek.

"Come on and get up" he says with a sweet smile. "I made you breakfast."

God I love this man.

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