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‼️‼️**Possible triggers of assault**‼️‼️

When I woke up my body felt like I had been working out for hours. My muscles felt sore and achy, even more so if I tried to move. I let out a groan and force my eyes open.

I look to my left and see Jess sitting on her bed. When she notices me her facial expression lights up.

"Hey! You're awake!" She says excitedly and runs to my side sitting on the foot of my twin size mattress.

"What's going on, what happened?" I say lifting my upper body up off the bed by my forearms. Oh I regret that. My head began to pound, and my muscles fought with me for moving so quickly.

"I don't know you came home this morning around 5 with some dude... he was kinda hot" she says giving me a wink.

Some dude? Last thing I remember is dumping the trash and then...

"What the fuck am I wearing?" I look down at the large T-shirt and sweat pants. Neither of these are mine. "I don't know maybe you borrowed them from Mr. Sexy last night? I thought you went to work not a dick appointment" she says getting up off the bed and laying back on hers.

"I did go to work... I didn't do anything. I feel like I'm missing something Jess" I say and finally manage to lift my body up from the bed and sit with my legs hanging over the edge.

"Does your body ache?" She asks with a curious look.

"Yeah?" I say letting out a deep breath.

"Do you feel a sense of loss time?" She asks sitting up straight matching my position on her bed.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"I hate to say this babe but I think... you were abducted by aliens"

My face drops in annoyance and I grab my pillow chucking it at her face. She erupts into a manic type laughter.

"I'm sorry I had to" she says clutching her stomach and falling over on the bed.

"Jess I'm serious I don't remember a thing" I say worried.

"Well tell me everything that happened, I hate to ask this but you didn't drink anything that someone gave you last night did you?" She has a look on her face I've never seen before.

"No no no I just went to work! Last thing I remember is feeling sick and just being in a ridiculous amount of pain in the alley..." I trail off. That's the last thing I remember.

"You said a guy brought me back what did he look like? Was I awake?"

She sighed and scratched her head.

"He was stupid fucking tall" she said with a small uncomfortable chuckle, using her hand as a marker to how tall he was. "Black hair, really muscular. You were awake you're the one that unlocked the door." She said looking at me unsure of what else to say.

"Did we say anything to each other? Did he talk to you?" I push.

"No I was like half asleep, I saw you walk in and he came in behind you. You laid in bed and he put the covers over you and..." she trails off.

"What?" I say a little more irritated.

"I don't know if it was because I was half asleep but I think I heard him say we'll see each other soon" she says squirming.

"Well what the fuck does that mean!" I exclaim and stand up from the bed, earning another cry from my muscles.

"You didn't meet him at the bar last night and forgot? Maybe y'all hung out?"

"Then where the hell are my clothes?" I say getting a little more frustrated.

We both look at each other confused and scared, I can't blame her for not doing anything last night when from her perspective it looked like I had just brought a guy home. I could tell she wanted to say something but was hesitant.

"Do you think we need to take you to a doctor Lilith?" She has a hint of sadness in her voice.

"There is no way THAT happened there was no one with me when I blacked out!" I say feeling more and more scared.

"Okay but what about all the time after you were blacked out Lilith you don't know"

I sigh and sit back down, feeling more and more anxiety washing over me. What happened to me last night?

I decided for my own sake that I should go to a doctor and  request a rape kit. I hated even thinking those words. I wasn't even sure if I needed it. I wasn't in any pain down in that area... being a virgin I know I would've felt some sort of discomfort this morning if something happened last night, but what else can I think? I can't remember anything after blacking out, I woke up this morning in clothes that aren't mine, and my roommate tells me a man walked me inside our dorm.

After I went to the doctor they told me my results should be back in about 2 weeks. I hoped to god nothing happened. I had decided not to visit my family this weekend and I would stick it out here till official move out day came around, which was ironically the Friday I should be getting my results back. I didn't want to tell them anything unless I had answers. For the time being I'll tell them I'm working on an extra credit assignment before grades re submitted.

I had decided for now this stays between Jess and I. I contacted Maggie and requested early shifts so that I wouldn't be out too late and luckily she gave them to me without question. Small perk for working their for four years I guess.

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