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The Micheals family celebrated big that night.

After the fight we all headed back to Kai's place for a late family movie night.

We were all so excited he not only won the match, but he won against the man that has been harassing us for weeks.

Right now Kai and I were in Elise and Damiens study, along with the rest of the pack leaders, Johanna, Daisy, Ryan, Nicholas, Trevor and Alyssa, discussing Ezekiels wish to meet me alone.

Even they didn't want me to do it. I thought it was just Kai's protective nature that was making him say no, but everyone thought it was a bad idea. It was starting to anger me though. I felt like everyone was making this decision based off of my safety and not the safety of my family.

"He could hurt my family" I finally say.

Everyone turns their eyes to me.

"He killed off my mother's entire side of the family" I add.

Elise gives me a sympathetic look, and Kai only hardens his features, but I can feel that he is conflicted just as much as I am.

"I want to meet with him, and I thank you all for trying to keep me safe, but this really should only be my decision." I state.

Everyone shares looks around the room. I can tell what I said had some sort of effect on them, almost all of them except Elise and Kai.

"We can always have fighters within a mile radius" Daisy says.

"He'd know they were there" Kai says immediately.

"Well what choice do we have?" Trevor says sternly.

"I will meet with him" I say again with a bit of a harsher tone. "I'll make sure you all know the location and I will meet with him." I say looking around the room at each of their faces.

"What if something happens to you" Kai says looking at me with the same hard expression.

"You've been training me, I'm stronger now" I state.

"Not strong enough" he says angrily getting out of his seat.

"Watch your tone son, she's your mate" Damien says sternly.

"Don't tell me how to talk to my mate. All of you are about to send her into a fucking death trap. You're not the ones that will feel it if something happens to her. I will, I am entitled to a say!" He says raising his voice.

"You will not speak to your father like this" Elise hisses at Kai.

All the other leaders in the room didn't seem offended by Kai's reaction like I thought they would. Surprisingly they looked sympathetic.

"Whatever" he says before storming out of the room.

I flinch when the door slams.

"He'll come around dear" Elise says with the same sympathetic look.

I feel someone beside me take my hand, it was Daisy.

"You should go talk to him" she says squeezing my hand.

"I promise we'll make sure you're safe Lilith" Damien says.

I look at his hard expression which was much like Kai's. Distant.

"I have something to do tomorrow. Contact Ezekiel and tell him I'll meet with him on Monday" I say standing to my feet.

"Where?" Nicholas asks.

"Somewhere close" I say.

"I'll call the number he left today" Elise says.

I nod and look around the room. I could be endangering the lives of each of these people and their children, and I hated myself for it.

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