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The eyes are what pulled me in. From the dark the same crystal blue eyes pierced into mine. I was familiar with this dream and I was no longer afraid of the wolves presence. I felt safe in those eyes. It wasn't until the menacing gold eyes emerged that I was afraid. The beginning of each dream was always spent with the silver wolf, then the black wolf would appear and attack, but it would never attack me, only the silver wolf. When he attacked was when I usually woke up, but this time I fought back.

As the black wolf lunged towards the silver one I leaped in front taking the blow. I swear I could almost feel the pain of the wolves weight hitting me full force, and the feeling of the hard ground beneath me.

I'm pulled from my sleep when I feel someone caressing my face.

"Wake up baby" a soft voice fills my ears, and a strong sweet scent filled my nose. I blinked my eyes open looking around meeting the soft brown eyes of Kai.

Fuck me did I fall asleep?

"You fell asleep" he said with a soft chuckle, but then began to frown. "Didn't seem like you were having a great dream though"

I feel my face flush. I just hope I didn't scream this time.

"It happens sometimes" I croak out.

It was then I realized we were sitting in complete darkness. The truck was off and parked, but I could hear the sound of waves around me. I'm sitting in the seat leaned against the window as Kai hovers over me protectively still combing his hands through my hair. It felt nice.

"We made it?" I ask and he backs away grabbing for something on the side door.

"Yes, we just pulled in." He says and hands me a flashlight.

"Let's go" he says smiling and opens the door of the truck.

When I step out and look around there is water on two sides of us. There's a warm summer breeze blowing and not a single person, car, or light in sight.

"You're not gonna murder me right?" I ask as Kai approaches me with two fold out chairs.

He laughs and shakes his head "no not right now at least" he says handing me a chair.

"I'll grab the poles and set us up" he says pulling the tailgate of the truck down.

I set up my chair and his and wander near the water with my flashlight. It felt truly peaceful here.

"Alright you ready?" He calls.

I turn back and walk towards him, and he hands me a pole.

Kai shows me the best way to cast, it takes me a few tries but I finally get it to cast out perfectly. I smile excitedly and Kai gives me a kiss on the side of my forehead before taking his pole and casting it out himself.

We both take a seat still holding our poles. "So what do you think?" He asks motioning towards the view.

"Is peaceful out here" I say giving him a smile, unsure if he can even see me in the dark.

"I'm glad you like it" he says reaching his hand over and placing it on my thigh and giving it light squeeze.

"So when do I get to see your artwork?" He asks.

I groan and look at him. "Never" I say laughing.

"You literally got a degree from your work why are you so nervous about showing me?" He says squeezing my thigh again playfully and I giggle at the tingling feeling it gave me.

I shrug not really knowing what to say. "I guess I can be a little insecure sometimes" I say.

"You shouldn't be, you should take pride in your work" I could tell he was being serious.

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