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After Kai left that night I was bombarded by all the women in my family. They all gushed about him and how handsome and sweet he was. It was kind of embarrassing but part of me enjoyed all of the positive feedback.

I was now positive this relationship was going too fast, and I was positive that I no longer cared. Every conversation with Kai is so fun and enlightening, I feel like we just fit. We have our differences of course but I just feel like because of those differences we click so well.

All night after he left my mind would wander to our moment in my bedroom. I was shocked with myself  for how far I let it get and we didn't even get that far. Thinking about it now he doesn't even know he is my first everything. We never talked about our passed relationships before. I wonder if he's been with someone else. Considering how amazing he is I'm sure he has, a woman would have to be crazy to not fall for him. Part of me doesn't want him to know he's my first and wondered if he would judge me for it; but if I don't tell him what if he expects sex by like the next date? I'm definitely not ready for that yet.

My thoughts are interrupted by my mother calling my name.

I was sitting in our porch painting, well I thought I was. Turns out I've been sitting out here for a while staring at a blank canvas.

"You okay mija?" She asks walking closer.

"yeah I'm good"

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and look up at her and give her a reassuring smile

"I walked in here 45 minutes ago and you were still sitting here staring at your canvas" she says giving me a "seriously" look.

"Just blocked I guess" I say trying to get her away from the subject. I don't really want to have a conversation about when to have sex with my first boyfriend and how do I tell him I'm still a Virgin, the sex talk was already a fucking disaster.

She stares at me for a while longer, definitely knowing I'm lying.

"So Kai is nice" she starts and grabs a chair and sits next to my stool.

Here it goes.

"Yeah he's great" I say hoping she'll leave it there, but knowing she won't.

"He's your first boyfriend right?" She knows he is, she's just teasing me now.

"Yeah he is" I say nodding. I decide to finally dip my brush in the light green paint I had on my pallet. I'll just paint a background for something later, maybe she'll get the point and go away if I start painting.

"Have you guys had sex?" She says with a confident look on her face. She's got a slight smile on the edge of her lips but I can tell she's trying not to make it weird. Which honestly is only making it weirder.

"Mami!" I whine. I put my hand on my forehead causing some paint to splash on me.

"I'm not gonna be mad I'm just asking!" She says holding her hands up in surrender. But the small smile still played on her lips.

"No we have not now, run along and tell Abuelita her granddaughter is still a Virgin" I say swatting my hand towards the door.

She starts laughing and smacks my leg making me start to laugh.

"That's not why I asked mensa" she says her laughing starting to die down.

"I'm just asking in case you hadn't, and if you had any questions or if you had I just wanted to say be safe" she says shrugging.

I scrunch my face in disgust. "Thanks mami" I say with an embarrassed tone and nudge her shoulder.

She chuckles and stands up putting the chair back in its place and starts walking back towards the house.

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