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The dream that I had last night was the definition of hell. It was so much more vivid this time, and I could remember all of it. My thrashing around and yelling not only woke up Phoebe, but it woke up Abuelita and Kai.

While I was stuck in my hellish nightmare, Kai called my phone and Phoebe picked it up while trying to wake me up and calm me down. When she couldn't she told him she'd have me call him later and ran to our grandmas room to see if she could get me up. Thankfully she was able to.

It was now around 4:30 in the morning, and I was currently sitting at the kitchen table with her drinking some sort of tea that she said would help calm me down.

When Phoebe told me Kai was calling I was confused, then I remembered he must have been feeling my fear. My fear was so strong it woke him up. To Phoebe it was a weird coincidence so that's what I played it off as.

Before I came and sat with Abuelita I sent him a text that I would call him later. After multiple texts making sure I was okay he finally agreed.

I had been sitting and sipping on the tea for a while when Abuelita finally spoke up.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" She asks softly.

I don't look at her, just stare at my tea and nod.

"Whenever you're ready" she says.

I take a deep breath and look her right in the eye. "I know you believe the stories about our family having the wolf gene."

She doesn't look taken back or confused, but she nods.

"And I know you know I have the gene" I add.

Her stoic face finally cracks, and it's a smile.

"Yes I do, and Kai is your mate" she says placing her hand on mine.

"Are you the one with the gene too? Was Abuelito a full wolf?" I had so many questions but I figure this is the best place to start.

"No I do not have the gene, your Abuelito and I were not mates but I did love him very much" she says calmly.

"Does that mean it's mami? Dads a wolf?" I ask surprised. If they were wolves why would they hide it from me?

"I'm afraid you will need to ask your mother mija" she says sadly.

"No no no. No more secrets I need to know" I say frustrated. She can't do this, she has all the answers I need I know it.

"And you will, but you need to ask her" she says in a somewhat stern tone.

"Tell me about the dream" she says when I don't respond.

I sigh in frustration, but begin telling her the dream.

I was running through the same woods again, only I was running from something. I could feel the fear of wanting to get away from something and it was so much more intense than any of the others I've had.

I was in my wolf form so I was moving fast, but not fast enough. I'm tackled to the ground by the large black wolf that usually haunted my dreams.

My body was pinned and he snarled at me but didn't move to hurt me.

I tried to fight him off but it was no use, until Kai's wolf came into view and tackled the black wolf off me. The two fought horrifically. The sound of snarling and teeth snapping filled my ears.

When Kai's wolf was pinned I tried to intervene but another wolf attacked me. This one was black like the other but he had blue eyes, only they weren't nearly as bright as Kai's, they were darker and swirled with anger.

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