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The drive to Kai's apartment was quiet, and the only emotion I was getting from him was worry. I was thankful that he hadn't started asking questions yet, I mean I was still mentally trying to process the last few hours myself.

My mother's break down, Ezekiels deal, his sick obsession with my apparent anger issues, and Elaine's list of stories of her and Kai's relationship. The more I thought about that part specifically the more anger and jealousy I started to feel. Her bullshit was like the cherry on top of an already shitty day.

"What are you thinking about?" Kai finally says.

Fuck why did I have to think about Elaine, that's gotta be why he's asking.

"I can't" is all I say because I wasn't thinking of one thing. I was thinking a million things at once, and I was starting to feel suffocated again.

"Breathe baby" Kai says resting his free hand on my thigh and rubbing it gently.

I do my best to calm my breathing and focus on his touch. Thankfully it manages to keep me calm for the remainder of the drive there.

When we reach the inside of Kai's place, he sits me on the couch and wraps his arms around me tightly.

He still doesn't ask any questions, but continues to hold me in his arms.

"I have his eyes." I croak out after almost an hour of silence.

Kai loosens his hold on me enough to view the side of my face, and I adjust my body so I can look him in the eyes.

"How does she even look at me." I plead. I can tell he knew what I meant. He looked pained, but held me tighter.

"Because she's your mother, and she loves you no matter what." He says softly then presses a kiss to my head.

"I'm just like him Kai." I say shaking my head and trying to release myself from his hold, but he only tightens it.

"Don't say that. Just because there's a resemblance doesn't mean you're anything like him." He says.

"It's not just my eyes, it's my damn personality."

He furrows his eyebrows at me. He looks purely confused that it's almost comical. How can he not tell? He was there when I broke David's nose. He knew about the shitty things I said to Phoebe during our fight. How could he not see it?

"He says I suppress my anger around you guys, and that I'm just like him." I say.

Kai sighs and shakes his head. "Do you want to be like him?" He asks.

"No" I say quickly.

"Then that alone already says you're nothing like him." He says sternly. "You'd never put anyone through what you're going through right now. Sure you get mad and stressed but it's only because you care. You defend and protect the people you love and there's nothing wrong with that." He adds.

"What about David? What about what I said to Phoebe when I was mad at her? And what about today? I know you felt everything. How do you explain that?" I hadn't noticed the tears running down my face till I tasted a salty tear on my lip.

Kai rests his hands on my cheeks and wipes the tears away even though they keep coming down.

"What did David do?" He asks, looking deep in my eyes.

"He hurt my sister." I state.

"Exactly, anyone would do what you did. I'd raise hell if someone hurt Tyler or my sisters like that, and it doesn't mean you're a bad person."

"Yeah but-"

"And how did you feel after you said those things to Phoebe?" He asks cutting me off.

I sigh and clear my throat. "I felt awful. I hated myself for what I said to her." I say sadly.

"Exactly. A man like Ezekiel wouldn't think twice about possibly hurting someone's feelings. You and Phoebe are sisters, you fight and argue. Sometimes one of you will take it too far and this time around it was you." He says continuously wiping the tears off my cheeks. "You think Tyler and I haven't said some hurtful shit to each other before? It's normal, sure it was fucked up but you regretted it and you fixed it." He adds.

"And as for today." He starts. "Anyone in your situation would act the way you did. In the span of a month your entire life has completely flipped around. All the things you thought you knew turned out to be a lie. You've just discovered that not only do werewolves exist, but that you're one yourself. And to top it off you find out your real dad is a total psycho?" He says with a bitter chuckle.

I laugh a little at his comment and wipe my eyes.

"I'm just surprised you haven't totally lost your mind." He says with a sad smile.

"I feel like I am." I say laughing and shaking my head.

"Well if you loose your mind I'll be right here along side you when it happens." He says with a goofy smile.

He looks into my eyes with so much intensity it made my heart race. His goofy grin was gone, and he now had a serious look on his face.

"Lilith Xiomara Salinas. You are nothing like that man. You have the heart and strength of your mother and father, Julio. That's how she looks at you. She looks at you and sees the same thing I do. A strong, intelligent, and beautiful woman." He says cradling my face in his hands.

My tears continued to fall and land on his hands, but he didn't seem to care too much as he continued to keep me placed in his hands.

"I love you so much Lilith. I try not to freak you out with this because I know these feelings are all so new to you, but I knew I loved you on our first date. I knew it was the mate bond that made my need for you so intense, but the bond doesn't make you fall in love, we did that all on our own."

"Really?" I ask in a croaky voice.

"Really" He says with a wide smile.

"I love you more" I say and lean my forehead against his.

"Not possible." He whispers.

"You make it possible." I whisper back, and I knew when I said it I meant it.

I didn't think I'd ever love someone the way I love Kai Micheals. In fact I didn't think it was possible to love anyone that much, and maybe it wasn't, but he made it possible.

I know this chapter is super short but I just HAD to make this conversation the chapter ending! I hope y'all ugly cried reading it as much as I did writing it LMAO

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I know this chapter is super short but I just HAD to make this conversation the chapter ending! I hope y'all ugly cried reading it as much as I did writing it LMAO.

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Thanks! -Zeri

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