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After Kai drove me home from the boxing gym that day I was walking on air.

Kai Micheals loves me.

It's a ridiculous thing really. I've only known him a little over a month and I am irrevocably in love with him and he is in love with me.

I never thought it would be possible for me to feel this intense love for someone, but after I said it I knew it was true. It's like I unlocked all new feelings after I said it. Our kiss was so much more passionate and meaningful after we said it, and the kiss sealed our words.

Needless to say that after the kiss both of us were eager to get back to Kai's apartment...

I was currently finishing up the painting of Kai's wolf. I wasn't going to sell it at the gallery next week but I did want to show it. I was beyond proud of it and I couldn't wait till Kai saw it. I decided I'd wait to show him till he saw it at the gallery. Although he knew what it was now, he doesn't know what it looked like.

When I invited him I also asked him to invite his family. I felt close enough to them for them to see my work but I was nervous because my family would also be there.

I wasn't worried they'd dislike each other, but I just had this nervous feeling in my stomach. I just hoped everything would go perfectly for the night.

It was definitely going to be a busy nerve wracking week. Maya and Angelic's birthday was this week, they're turning 12, then it was Kai's boxing match and then my gallery that weekend.

Kai had told me his mom was throwing a party at their house and that it should just be family, but he did warn me she would be inviting a lot of family friends as well.

"Imagine your graduation party but doubled"

When he said it I almost choked on my own spit. That's a lot of people for a "just family" and then some friends type of party, but nonetheless I was excited for it. I'd get to meet more of his family and I couldn't wait to hear all the embarrassing stories of his childhood.

When he came to my graduation my Tia didn't hold back. She was around a lot when I was a kid so she's got just as many stories about me as my parents do. Kai still teases me about the story she told him when they took me to my first haunted house. I was 6, and I got chased out by an asshole with a fake chainsaw and pissed myself. I can't wait till I get a good story to hold against him now.

"Mami!" I call from the back porch. I just finished up the last few touches of the painting, I knew I could keep adding to it but I really needed to learn when to stop. When I would start obsessing on a painting I'd always call my mom in to tell me if I should stop or keep going. Most of the time she said to leave it. I trusted her judgment the most when it came to my art. I always thought she had a eye for it and I wish she would take up painting or something.

"What!" She calls from inside.

"Come tell me to stop obsessing!" I yell in between laughs.

I hear her chuckle and then her footsteps coming towards the open back door.

When she looks at the painting her eyes shine.

"Mija it's beautiful!" She exclaims while coming behind me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

I hug her back and she kisses the top of my head. "Kai's gonna love it too" she says quietly.

I blush and turn my head to look at her. She gives me a knowing smile and kisses the top of my head again. I missed this. After we talked I feel like our relationship went back to normal almost immediately. I haven't told her that Kai and I said we loved each other because I wasn't ready for anyone to know yet. For now I wanted it to just be Kai and I. I'd tell my mom and Phoebe about it eventually.

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