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Kai pulls into his regular parking spot and shuts the car off but doesn't move to get out yet.

"I really am sorry for yelling at you." He says with his head hanging low. I can feel his guilt, and it made my heartbreak that I was the reason for it. I didn't mean to freak out the way that I did, I just didn't know how to handle what I was feeling.

I reach out and place my hand on the back of his neck. He looks up at me with glossy eyes and I wipe a stray tear away from his cheek.

"I didn't like that you were afraid of me" he says.

"I wasn't afraid of you Kai" I start. "There's just so much to tell you but just please know I'm not afraid of you" I say calmly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Let's go inside I feel gross" I say trying to make a light joke. He smiles but I can tell it was forced.

When we get inside Kai leads me to his bedroom to grab me clothes for my shower.

"Here you can use these" he says grabbing a T-shirt and a pair of sweats from his drawers. It was probably an inappropriate time to be excited to wear his clothes, but I could help it. The smell of them alone made me feel more at ease. I would need that calmness when I told him the truth.

After my shower I dry my hair as best as I could, and walk to the kitchen where Kai looked to be making breakfast.

"I texted your sister" he says while pouring scrambled eggs into a pan. "You hungry?" He asks.

I nod and take a seat at the bar that separates his kitchen from the living room. I really was hungry, it was probably from all the running.

"My parents are gonna be pissed if I come home in your clothes you know" I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"Why's that?" He asks.

I don't respond, just stare at the back of his head. When he turns around to look at me I make sure to give him a "seriously" look.

He smiles and laughs and turns back around. "You look good in them by the way" he says with his back to me now. I'm glad he wasn't facing me because I was blushing like a fool. I don't think I look good, but I do like the warm feeling and the faint scent of his that now surrounded me.

"Need any help?" I ask getting off the stool and walking into the kitchen.

"No thanks, last time I asked for your help we didn't get anything done" he says side glancing at me with a smirk. I blush when I remember the first time I came to his place. We were supposed to be making popcorn but I ended up on the counter in an intense make out session with Kai.

"Shut up" I say and wrap my arms around him from behind and rested my head on his back. His warmth soothed me. He didn't make any moves for me to move so I guess he liked it too. I squeezed him one last time before letting him go and going back to my seat at the counter.

After we ate we sat on the couch, and I knew it was time to come out and tell Kai everything. He didn't have to say anything for me to know it, he barley said anything to me at all. I didn't really like his silence, it made me feel like he wasn't all there with me, he wasn't even sitting next to me on the couch. There was a whole seat between us but it may as well have been miles away.

"I've been having very vivid dreams since my first transition" I start, and turn my body to face his. He matches my posture and his expression is unreadable, but I knew what he was feeling and it was worry.

"At first the dreams were of you actually, you and I in our wolf forms, but after a while I started seeing another wolf, he was black and he had gold eyes, and he was always trying to hurt you" I look at him trying to figure out his thoughts but his face stayed unmoved.

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