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"So how are you going to tell Phoebe?" Kai asks then takes another swing at the punching bag. His Match was tonight and he was doing some last minute practice with Tyler and I.

"I'm not sure yet, focus on yourself that was a bitch punch" I say jokingly, but really I just want to change the subject.

He stops and looks at me with a glint of humor in his eyes.

"Oh you think you can do better?" He says walking closer to the bench I was sitting at.

"Oh I know I can" I say with a teasing smile. I was pretty confident with my strength but I knew I couldn't actually do better. But it was fun to tease him anyway.

Kai gets closer and leans in towards me but I put my hands on his bare chest. Good lord this man is too beautiful.

"Get away you're all sweaty" I say trying to scoot away from him but my weak arms are no use against him. He places both gloved hands on the side of the bench next to my legs and presses his forehead to mine, his sweaty forehead I might add.

"Gross" I say and scrunch my face up.

"You love it" I says smirking and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey! No distractions!" I hear Tyler yell. "I walk off for 2 minutes and the two of you are already jumping each others bones!"

"He started it!" I say when Kai takes a step back and goes back to the punching bag.

"I believe it" Tyler says standing on the other side of the bag and holding it steady for Kai.

"Come on man focus" Tyler says patting the bag right before Kai goes back to punching.

"So who's this guy you're fighting? Is he from y'alls pack?" I ask. Kai had mentioned that the gym was owned by a member of their pack, so a lot of their matches are against other pack members. Apparently it's rare to fight someone from another pack.

Tyler shakes his head. "Nah this guy is from a pack in Mexico."

I widen my eyes "Wow so this must be kind of an important fight..." I trail off.

"Kai didn't tell you? He's like the one of the highest ranked fighters in our pack, he's fought some of the biggest fighters in Texas."

Holy shit.

"He didn't tell me" I say looking at Kai who is turning a deeper shade of red than his regular sweaty red. Kai smiles sheepishly and shrugs.

"So you won them all?" I ask. I wanted to know more about Kai, at this point I feel like he knows more about me than I do of him.

"Not all of them but I had enough wins to advance. I've already fought most of the wolves in my rank." He says and goes back to punching.

"My favorite was Leanne" Tyler says chuckling.

Kai stops and lets out a small laugh. "She whooped my ass" he says shaking his head.

"She?" I ask confused.

"Yeah we fight based on the strength of our wolves, not weight class or gender like humans do. I've fought women 2 times smaller than me who have handed me my ass" he says chuckling.

"Yep and Leanne was the smallest but the strongest" Tyler says laughing.

"She moved so fast I never saw the punches coming" Kai says.

I smile and laugh. So it is possible for me to get just as good if not better than Kai.

"So you don't fight in the human matches?" I ask.

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