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Lilith's POV

"Why hasn't she woken up yet!"

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"Why hasn't she woken up yet!"

"I don't know! You probably gave her too much!"

"I gave her what you instructed so if she doesn't fucking wake up in the next 30 minutes you're dead!"

My eyes crack open slightly at the sound of a man and a woman arguing.

I felt like absolute shit.

My head was pounding, my mouth was dry, and my body was aching so much it felt like I had just gotten hit by a car.

"Arturo" the woman's voice shakes out.

I hear footsteps coming closer, the fear I feel making my eyes open a little more. My vision was blurry, but it slowly came into focus onto a man hovering over me with a sick grin spreading across his face.

"Arturo" I croak out.

"Well look who's awake!" He says with fake enthusiasm.

"Glad to see I didn't kill you. Don't worry, the weakness will subside after we remove your mates mark and I mark you."

My eyes widen at his statement, and I try to pull away from his close proximity but I am cuffed to a chain on the floor.

The more I start to wake up I realize I'm laying on a dirty mattress on a concrete ground. The room we were in was dim so at first it was hard to make anything out, but from the looks of it it looks like an old hotel room.

"Get me more of the serum" Arturo states as he stands up and walks away.

I follow his steps and am horrified by what I see.

Alora is sat at a table about 5 feet from me. Her ankle cuffed to a chain on the floor like mine. The table had a lot of items I didn't quite recognize, one of them I did though. A syringe with the same clear liquid that he had used on me last night.

Wait. Was it only last night? How long had I been here already?

"You shouldn't give her anymore it could knock her out again." Alora states.

Arturo doesn't respond, but a second of silence goes by before he raises his hand and slaps her across the face, and I flinch at the sound of the impact.

Arturo turns his attention back to me. He stalks towards me slowly before crouching down to my level again. Once again I try to move but the pain and weakness in my body keeps me at bay.

"You're so cute when you try to run away." He sighs as he pushes the tangled hair back from my neck and inserts the needle.

I whimper at the feeling, and the familiar burning sensation I felt last night returned, only it felt much worse this time around.

"What are you doing to me?" I say in between jagged breaths.

"Wolfsbane!" He says with a smile. "A small amount will weaken you and your mate bond, a fair amount will knock you out and too much may or may not kill you." He shrugs.

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