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The rest of the week went by fairly quick. It was Saturday, the day I had planned to pick out an outfit for graduation with my mom, Phoebe and Abuelita.

Truthfully clothes shopping was hard for me. I had an awkward body shape that resembled a pear, and no matter what I wore something wouldn't fit right.

I had wide hips and a medium sized waist. My stomach wasn't perfectly flat, I did have a little pudge on my sides as well as my thighs. But to top it off I was a b cup. I'm not sure what happened but Phoebe got moms boobs and I got my dads. Most clothing that fits one part of my body lacks somewhere else, which is why I mostly worse T-shirts and jeans.

We decided on going to my favorite clothing store that usually had something nice I could fit into, I figured if I liked it enough but it fit weird, I could ask my mom or Abuelita to adjust it.

I was walking through the store skimming through a few blouses when Phoebe came up to me with at least 6 dresses in her arms. Her eyes were wild and she had a wide grin on her face. Phoebe adored shopping, but Phoebe was also very fit from being in sports. I'll admit at this moment I was jealous of how easy it was for her to find clothes, and how she pretty much killed everything she wore.

"I told you I'm not wearing a dress." I state going back to sifting through the blouses I was looking at.

"Come on Lilith please! You looked so gorgeous in your prom dress and that was formal, these dresses aren't nearly as formal as a prom dress" she whines poking out her bottom lip like a child.

"I'll try them on but I'm not making any promises" I say sternly sticking my arms out to take her load of dresses. She hands them to me excitedly and bounced up and down when I take them in my arms.

"You're such a child" I say heading towards the back of the store where the dressing rooms were.

"You love me" she says batting her eyelashes.

When I get into the dress room I hang up all of the dresses on the hooks along the wall. The first thing I notice is all of the dresses are a little shorter than I was comfortable with, but I decided to try on the few black ones she had picked out.

"Hurry up!" She calls from outside the door.

"Don't rush me" I say stepping into the dress.

"Fuck no" I say as I raise it up and it's shorter than it looked on the hanger. I don't even bother opening the door to have her zip it, I know I'm definitely not wearing this.

"Why are you taking so long" Phoebe whines on the other side.

I crack open the door sticking my head out, "Because if I bend over for any reason in the first dress someone's gonna see my fucking cervix" I whisper harshly and she bursts into laughter as I shut the door again.

I try on the last of the black dresses Phoebe gave me but I didn't really like them. It's not that they looked horrible, they looked okay, I just didn't feel comfortable wearing them.

The last dress I try on is a white sundress type dress. It came about 3 quarters of the way down my thigh, and it had lace in the mid section, and around the ends of the dress, and a deep v-neck.

I wasn't too thrilled with the v-neck, or the fact that you could sort of see my stomach in the mid section, but the more I looked at myself in the mirror it sort of grew on me.

I open the door and everyone's jaws drop

"Mija you look gorgeous" Abuelita says standing to her feet and covering her mouth in awe.

"Are you sure?" I say turning to my side and looking in the mirror making sure the back didn't appear too short like the first dress I tried on. It was honestly the perfect length, and I loved how the ends kind of fanned out.

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