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The next few days after the ball, I started to notice changes with my body. Kai had said that because I was marked I would start to feel my wolf more. My senses had definitely heightened. I felt like I could smell, see and hear things better, and if I would touch Kai in anyway I swear I could almost feel the sparks erupting between us.

Because the the feeling of my wolf has strengthened, so has my need for Kai. I felt closer to him more than just physical. For him it was much stronger since he is already fully connected with his wolf, and I couldn't imagine what it would feel like once we mated.

I was currently sitting in the back porch working on my painting again when Phoebe came up to me.

"Hey I'm getting ready to head to David's how do I look?"

I set my brush down and turn around to face her.

"You look great" I say smiling at her outfit.

"Do you think David will like it?" She says nervously.

"I'm sure he'll think you're beautiful in whatever you wear." I say with a smile. He better fucking think she's beautiful in whatever she wears, but I didn't say that out loud.

"Thanks Lil." She says smiling.

"Moms gonna drop you off?" I ask.

She says yes before giving me a hug goodbye and heading out for the evening. I hope she doesn't drink tonight, and if she does I hope she doesn't get too obliterated.

I go back to my painting, adding a few last details before finishing up for the day. It was almost done, and when it was I planned to give it to Kai.

I was supposed to hang out with him tonight for another one of his "late night adventures". I was super excited for it, I was honestly hoping we'd go night fishing again.

After I put all of my materials away it was already passed 8 and Kai would be here soon.

I go to my room and change out of my paint covered clothes and text Kai to see if he's on his way.

Kai: yes, wear jeans and close toed shoes

Interesting, I change out of my shorts and flip flops just in time for Kai to send a text that he's here.

I walk into the living room and give my family a hug and kiss goodbye before heading out, I feel like at this point they just stopped caring. I had been spending a lot of time with Kai recently, almost every day now.

When I get in Kai's car I see he has an eager smile, and Tyler is in the back seat.

"Hey Tyler" I wave and look at Kai. "What are you doing?" I ask referring to his smile.

"We're going on an adventure" he says smiling and pulling out of the driveway.

I turn and look back at Tyler who also had a wide grin.

"What the hell are you both up to" I ask starting to feel nervous, I didn't even know Tyler would be coming so this can't be good.

In my time with Kai I spent some time with his family for another movie night. I learned Elise, Tyler, Kai, and Maya all had a very mischievous side. The way they'd mess with each other was hilarious to watch. Not Angelic though, she was calm and cool just like Damien. It's strange how different they seem to be yet fit so perfectly together.

"You'll see when we get there" Tyler says from the back.

Kai gives me a quick side glance, his smirk so deep his dimple pops out.

This can't be good at all.


After about 20 minutes we pull into the parking lot of a warehouse. There were a lot of cars out front but not too many people walking around, this place must be ridiculously packed inside.

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