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Just as Alyssa said, I was going to scrimmage with Elaine.

I don't know what the hell possessed her to make this decision. I couldn't even beat a first year recruit, and she wants me to not only go against a fourth year, but she picked the one I despise.

I was pissed, and nervous, and my mind was really doing a number on me as it continuously rolled thoughts that were far from what Alyssa and I talked about. I was already hating myself and we hadn't even started the fight yet.

"Are you insane? Elaine pinned me! Me! Alyssa! One of the packs best boxers!"

"Yes I saw. So did Lilith." She says as she nonchalantly takes another bite of her sandwich and makes direct eye contact with me

"She'll hurt her" Kai says angrily.

"She'll be fine" Alyssa states.

"I'm not letting her do this." He says standing to his feet.

"Have you asked Lilith her opinion yet?" Alyssa responds as she turns her head to me.

We share a knowing look. I know why she's doing this now, she wants me to beat Elaine because she thinks it'll help my confidence. As fun as that sounded I still don't know how the hell I was supposed to do it, but when would I get another chance to freely hit Elaine?

Kai turns his gaze to me. I can tell he's expecting me to agree with him.

"I want to do it" I say and go back to eating.

He looks shocked by my response, but he doesn't say anything. He just huffs angrily and leaves the table.

"He's just worried." Alyssa says.

"I know." I could feel it, I wanted to say, but I'm sure she knows.


Everyone gathered around into a large circle around one mat. I was doing my best at convincing myself I could do this, but that was until I discovered everyone was going to watch.

"Alright everyone settle down! Let's get this started!" Alyssa yells excitedly.

"I can't believe you're doing this." Kai says beside me.

I can feel his anger, worry and frustration.

"I'll be okay." I simply say and get on my toes to kiss him on the cheek.

He doesn't react to me, but I can feel that he calmed down a little by my touch.

I re-do my hair in a bun, and make my way to the center of the mat.

Elaine walks through the crowd with a deep smirk.

"Don't worry Lily I'll go easy." She says taking her stance.

I don't respond to her, I find it best not to.

Alyssa blows the whistle and Elaine begins to circle me.

She reaches for me but I step out of her way. After really thinking about this, I decided I'd do what Kai does.

Tyler told me he tires out his opponent and looks for their weak spot, so that's exactly what I was going to do. Only issue is how the hell do I find it.

Elaine quickly lunges for me and I step aside but trip her so she falls down on her stomach. I quickly straddle her and attempt to hold her down but she flips me onto my back. She's got me.

I tap out of her hold and she jumps up with a grin.

"Again" Alyssa says.

"With pleasure" Elaine says. I stand up and we both get back into our starting positions.

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