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"𝙷𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎~
𝙷𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎~"

"𝙷𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝙷𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎~"

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3rd Person's POV.
As days came by,

No sign of Hinata and everyone and so was the family who got the news was worried and devastated...

They still haven't ate as much nor were in active source, all of them were in depression.

They cried night and some couldn't sleep beacsue of the constant worry of what will happen to their Sunshine...

They needed to find him and get him back home safely, everyone had missed him soo much they didnt know what to do...

Shiori was more devastated that his dear cousin was still not found and his boyfriend tried so hard to comfort him as he was also worried for his his boyfriend's cousin being gone, he was food brother and friend to him and he really cares about his boyfriend's family, More than anything....

All of them were a mess, they still manage to do what they needed to do, but it didnt make them more energetic,

Kenma stopped playing with his game as he was worried that Shoyo would be gone,

Suga was crying because of the Sunshine,

Kageyama being worried about his Partner and might think he would be alone again,

Bokuto being in a emo mode a lot more than usual,

And this was tiring Akaashi a lot, ever since seeing the jacket feared and affected him the most.

He was scared that Hinata was gonna be murdered or so and he couldn't stop crying at night,

Aone was sad about losing Hinata,

Oikawa couldn't sleep because of his constant worrying,

Daishou couldn't do anything because he let his future lover down and didnt protect him,

Ushijima and the rest were feeling numb or just weak and couldn't do anything,

They all wanted to find him but dont know how...

The mangers and the boys were hurt that they lost the Sunshine and they couldn't crying because he was gone,

Coaches were broken because Hinata meant a lot to them even thought he wasn't on their team or so,

Advisors were also growing by this situation and result but Yakeda had gotten it worse as couldn't sleep being worried for Hinata, he was like a son to him and he really cared about the tangerine. It really hruted the most that he was out of his arms and it breaks his heart that he couldn't find Hinata.

They were really lost and broken, they all prayed that Hinata would be found soon, somebody or anybody...just find him!

From hinata,

He was broken, being tortured for the last few day that he count. He was ruined,

His milky skin being spread by dirt, cuts, and bruises.

His face had cuts and 2 bruises on his cheek and eye,

Still stuck to the bed as he groaned in pain, he really had to escape this abusive man,

He didnt know what to do and we has weak and couldn't do anything,

His voice being broken and couldn't speak at all,

He was thinking of a plan to escape and he needed to and get help quickly...

So he it upon himself and fell asleep...

As the hours went by, the VB teams decided to find them. Even though the coaches disagreed, it didnt matter to them and quickly went out.

The elders eventually gave up as well and also tried to find Hinata, coincidentally Saeko and Tsukishima's Older brother, Akiteru came by that time and decided to also help find Hinata...

It took them hours trying to find Hinata but mo use, even Kenma used his social media to find him as well and everyone also tried giving them places they never knew and maybe he might be there and they tend to say he was here or whatsoever....

But no use, they still couldn't find the boy and it broke them,

They didnt want to admit nor they want to believe it,

'Hinata must've been murdered...'

As the evening came and the sky was about to darkened. Everyone had no choice but come back and being depressed.

They all ate little and quickly went go to bed as they cry, stood awake, and struggle to be in comfort, only being scared by the nightmares they've been catching.

Hinata quickly opened his eyes and looked around only to see the sky was about to darkened and the man was to come for the next torture anytime soon.

He had the urge to get up and go behind door as he waited to man to come in and try to knock him out. He went under the bed to find something to knock him out and escape the hell hole he was in...

And his prayers were answered, a wooden bat was under the bed and he quickly took it as he went behind the door and just in time, the man came...

"Angel~ Oh....where are you? I have a suprise for you~" as he said and Hinata took his chance.

He hit the man on his face using the wooden baseball bat and the man got know out,

Just to make sure he doesnt wake up, he hit again twice and quickly escape...

He kinda got lost form the house, but quickly found his way as he bursted at the door...

??? POV.
Me and my friends were having fun as we were about to head home until we heard a door open...

To reveal a boy with dirty and ripped sport shorts and white tshirt, being barefoot, with a wooden baseball bat on his hand,

With bruises and cuts on his body head to toe with dirt all over him.

He was a mess, two of the girls quickly took him as me and the other had looked at other and looked at the door that was happening, I told the my friend behind me to call the police and the other one, which is my other friend, I gestured her To come with me, only to find a hoddie man standing, with a dark angry aura on his face.


Come back~" it sent shivers down on our spines and this pissed me off.

'What in the world just happened?!' As I mentally thoguht to myself, I looked at my friends and I quickly went toward the hoddie man while my friend had happened to must've took the bat and I quickly looked the hooddie man in the place so he wouldnt move as my friend quickly knock him out as she hit him hard on the face and the man was unconscious...

We called the police as we checked on the tangerine boy....

That's a bit weird, he had quite a bright orange hair....he must be a reincarnation of a Sun, just what happened to him?.....

𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖄𝖔𝖚, 𝕹𝖊𝖝𝖙❣︎Where stories live. Discover now