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I feel that there is nothing more artistic than to love people.
— Vincent van Gogh.

Taeyon softly hummed some melody while sauntering inside the house of her son Jeon and his wife. She refused to stay here even though Seokjin insisted and decided to live in her old bungalow where she nurtured her son—and she didn't wanted to invade privacy of this couple.

She wanted to spent some time with Seokjin as she hasn't seen him for two whole weeks. He might be feeling lonely staying in the bed for most of the time while his husband stressing himself in the office. Jungkook is busy for starting his new hotels and some charity works. Though, Jungkook calls his spouse as wind passes by to hear him doing good and unbothered by any pain. But, this can't digest his worry so he often pleads his mom to see Seokjin which she loves to.

She's sure, that If she won't check on Seokjin, then drowning in protectiveness and worry for Seokjin, Jungkook might abandon his company just to stay in front of his wife whole time. She often teases her son as ‘Whipped for wife’ which he never minds as it's true. 

As she walked into living room, she found it empty but maid quickly came from the kitchen when she heard the footsteps.

“Ah! Madame Taeyon, Good morning.” she bowed to the lady who kept her as maid here. 

“Good morning! Where's Seokjin? Is he sleeping?”

Maid eagerly walked little closer to Taeyon with her little worried face. She kept staring at upstairs.

“Thank God madame you came.  Seokjin sir had some pain when he was sitting watching TV, so he went in his room to sleep. When I asked him to call Jungkook Sir, he refused saying ‘pain isn't that severe’ Madame I'm worried.” 

“I'm here now to take care of him. Did he eat anything?”

“He did had some warm milk but refused to eat anything.” Taeyon nodded and hurriedly walked upstairs after handing maid some medicinal liquids, fruit basket and few more goodies. 

She knocked on the room's and heard small voice letting her in.

Seokjin smiled as he saw mother in law walking inside. His eyes shone.

“Hey jinnie dear.”

“Maa! I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so much.” Jin who had little white face, cleared the bed that had books lying and held her arm to make her sit in front of him.

“I missed you too, my son.” she stared at his stomach, grinning. “And you too my little naughty Jeon.” she kept this name after she heard from Jungkook how his son kicks, responds and has become more active.

“How are you maa?”

“I'm fine but you aren't. Maid said you felt pain. Jin does it still hurt? Should we go to the doctor?”

“Maa, It isn't that bad. It must be his kicks and besides that, my date is nowhere near, so I think it's normal tiny pain.”

“But, better to be precautious. You know, I gave birth to Jungkook two  weeks prior than due. You aren't feeling well, are you? I can see on your face.” she stared at jin who had pale face.

Seokjin nodded looking away.

“Then why you didn't let maid call Jungkook? If something bad must've happened then?”

“He's busy in the very important meeting so I didn't wanted to make him worry over manageable things.” He looked down. “To be honest, I'm still feeling pain but scared to go for doctor.” he said in soft tone, his hands fiddling on the blanket.

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