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“You wait here. You'll not go home till the computer is checked.” Hobeom ordered sternly to Seokjin who wasn't giving any reaction, like he didn't heard him - he just stared at his thumbs fidgeting with each other.

Hobeom went into the Jeon's office, where the cyber prodigy was checking on the fabricated computer. All department heads were gathered into one—behind Jungkook who was carefully checking each and every moves on screen. “Hmm, so indeed the file has been received by retail department's computer.” That man confirmed. Though, Jungkook wanted to find the culprit, somewhere he wished that the culprit held was someone else - not that innocent looking man who frustrates him in weird way.

“Are you sure?” That man nodded. He pointed on screen with his finger “See this. The file has been received by your company's office. But, this work is done by some professional hackers.” All present here started asking who it could be, how this happen and murmured. But Jungkook had something different. “That means Kim Seokjin isn't at fault?” His face didn't held any special emotions. But, all of them looked at him.

“Is there something on my face?" He cleared his throat and glared at each. They darted there eyes back to computer.“ Kim Seokjin's computer was active when all computers were shut off. And he forgot to shut down, this resulted for hackers to hack your main computer and transfer your file into that, later tranfering into hacker's device. All the computers are connected here so transferring was easy for them. And Seokjin's active computer led them to steal file easily."
Everyone mouth 'oh' together. “Well, technology has gone very far.” Hobeom said shaking his head.

“First of all I need main computer to be disconnected from all other computers and second thing I need this hackers to be arrested.” Jungkook said.
“So Seokjin isn't culprit. Poor man, we went hard on him.” Hwan clicked his tounge. A wave of regret and guilt washed over Jungkook - as Seokjin's crying face came in mind. He brushed his hair in frustration of how he feels something for an employee.

“Okay, we will file complain against that company who have used hackers. And I'll disconnect your computers from others.” cyber man said. Jungkook nodded and left the office to first inform his father about all this. And then he will try to talk with Seokjin - today it felt like talking with father was easier than talking with a ‘mere’ employee.

“Seokjin, the real culprit is found, hackers did that. You are proved innocent.” Taehyung said and smiled as came in room with a relieved sigh. He saw Seokjin sitting in same position as before he left. “Can I go home?” He said in little voice. “Yeah.” Taehyung's smile fall when he saw how Jin just stood, taking his bag and bowed him before leaving the office with that sad face.

Jungkook came quickly and saw the office empty. “Where is he?” He questioned to Taehyung. “He left few minutes ago.” Jungkook sighed, looking the chair where Jin was sitting before - a file was lying on floor. The file that he threw on him.


“Don't cry Seokjin. That never helps.”

“Then what should I do? Threaten him to love me, begg him to love me. This isn't how it works. You can't make someone love you.” Jin cried.

“In this whole world why you had to fall in love with this heartless jerk.”

“Loving someone isn't in our hands.” Jin sniffed. He wished that his heart wasn't that stubborn. He wished that it was easy to erase someone, could make his heart fell in love with anyone. But, he knows that even if that possible, still his heart would have walked towards Jungkook.

And forgot to mention, the reason behind Jin's endless hysteric cry was his first gem died. It died in no progress in love. Which shows his  miserable attempt, more like no atleast a small attempt in making Jungkook fall in love with him.

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